wow ;Part 7

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guess what???? its sort of smut time so hopefully you guys like lol - ash

Phils pov

Today is the day me and Dan are going to Japan. Dan was as happy as I am. its about 3 In the morning and our flight leaves around 6 and we had to take showers and pack. Dan was in the shower as I was packing and picking todays outfit out.

I thought Dan got out and went to his room so I quickly got undressed in my room and when to the shower so I could just get in and out with out having to take off or put anything on.

But something bad happened. I don't have my I put on my old boxers and ran to the restroom. I ran and closed the door. I turned around and seen Dan. naked. I closed my eyes and smirked.

Dans pov

 I got out and ran to my room because I for got to get my boxers, then ran back and was going to get my clothes on for the day. but I heard stomping and the bathroom door flung open.

"Phil?" he said "oh umm  sorry dan I thought u were out and I" "its ok phil your my boyfriend its ok you can look". I smirked as I felt my member grow a bit to phils reaction. he was partly naked but beautiful. so I walk over and put his hands on my torso and  kissed him. our lips moved so perfect.

I moved to his sweet spot on his neck and he whisperd in my ear "lets finish in japan". I smiled and his dorkyness and kissed his check and went to go finish getting ready. we were all done packing and showering so we got our stuff and head to the airport.

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