[Special Chapter] Mother's Day

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// Mother's Day is not just about those who made it possible for you to be brought into existence, but also about all those kindhearted individuals who helped shape who you are today. //


"Hanji, won't you tell me where we're going?" I asked for the third time within the last hour as I glanced in their direction.

We have been on the road for about two hours now, and as much as I wanted to get even a clue as to where we were headed, it was difficult to gauge since there were no notable landmarks that we passed through, and everything was just grass as well as the occasional farm animals. The only thing I was sure of was that we were already far from the city.

Hanji merely smiled softly at me, sending me a knowing look before keeping their eyes back on the road, "It's a surprise, my darling. I do appreciate you getting out of bed early this morning. I'm sure you're still feeling a little sleepy."

I didn't bother saying anything in defense, since Hanji knew (and saw) just how much I struggled to get out of bed this morning. Even now, despite my best efforts, I would still find myself falling in and out of sleep.

I reached out to them to lightly caress their face as I said, smiling to myself when I saw a hint of pink on their cheeks, "I don't mind going on a road trip as long as I'm with you."

"I feel the same way too, darling," Hanji answered as they leaned closer to my touch, "Soon, I'll take you to places you can only dream of going to."


My heart was pounding in my chest when I realized that we'd arrived at the cemetery.

I was barely aware that I was clutching onto my seatbelt as if my life depended on it until I felt Hanji gently pry my hands away, taking one into their own while the other carefully unfastened my seatbelt. I could barely remember when the last time I'd been here was. All I know was that it had been at least ten years since then.

It wasn't so much that I avoided it, especially since I had been so young when I was last here that I didn't remember much or anything else about it aside from how it looked. Moreover, it was too painful for me to go through alone.

Now, however, I wasn't alone anymore.

It was high time that I faced my fears as well as my past. After all, there was no better time to do it other than now, especially since I have my wonderful and incredibly supportive partner with me. I couldn't have asked for anything more.

We got out of the car without saying anything, and with each step I took, the memories began to stream as if a mental dam had suddenly fractured. I could feel Hanji's eyes on me, and for dignity's sake, I did my best to look composed. I knew I wasn't fooling them, though, as they tightened their grip on my waist ever so lightly, while occasionally kissing the top of my head.

I allowed myself to be led by them, until we finally stopped at a grave a few minutes later.


Or at least, the mom I actually knew - the one who took care of me all these years. She might not have given birth to me nor brought me into existence, but she was the one who gave her life in exchange for mine without a second's hesitation.

I missed her so terribly, it physically hurt.

"It's been a long time, Mom," I softly said as I got on my knees and carefully sat down, with Hanji doing the same right beside me.

Both of us were silent for a few moments as we offered our prayers, and not long after, I felt Hanji's arm around my shoulders. Their touch was soothing, secure, and warm. Everything I could have hoped for in a partner, especially at this time.

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