• ch 5 • School

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It was a few weeks later since our last meet. We got too busy to meet since school was starting. I had to get supplies for school, and dad started making me study beforehand. Something my mother also used to do.

Last night Dee texted me asking if we could walk to school together to catch up. So this morning I got ready quickly and started walking towards his house to wait for him.

I got to the door a knocked, waiting a few seconds for the door to open. "Oh Y/N! What a pleasant surprise. We haven't seen you around lately where have you been?" It was Glam we chatted for a bit till Dee came running down the stairs. "Ok dad time for us to go bye!"
Then he grabbed my by the hand and dragged me to school. He held my hand tight as he started to complaint about the 'embarrassing things' his father does

"I know he does it to embarrass me, I already have to deal with the embarrassment of being related to heavy. And the embarrassment of having to be stuck in a school full of dense shit talkers!"

The more he talked the more he squeezed your hand. "Dee! Damn it that hurts!"

You pull your hand away to see a his hand print slowly fading away.
He turned round quickly his face red and his expression full of panic. "Oh I didn't realize, are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine, you couldn't hear me over all your complaining."

He walks keeps walking,forward covering his face to hide the redness, but I could still see his ear turning red. He gets embarrassed way to much, he isn't as edgy as he makes himself to be.

After a little bit of walking, we make it to the school. It looked large nothing too special. A normal school

"We have all classes together expect for health. You think you could make it without me?" He turns and smirks at me. "Get your head out of your ass, of course I could make it." I say chuckling, he just rolls his eyes and we get in.

First period-math, I hate math. Our teacher some large woman that stood at the door. I'm surprised she wasn't out of breath from standing so long.

"Hey dee can you sit with me, I don't know any body else."

"Of course I'm going to sit with you. I don't feel like sitting with these brain dead idiots all day!" He scoffs rolling his eyes, I stay quiet. Throughout all the classes, I say with dee and tried to hide away from everybody.
Then it was last period, I had an art class, but dee wasn't there with me. And I was all alone.

I sat down in the very back corner, the board had instructions on what to do. After I pull out my art book I begin to sketch to pass the time.

A few minutes later I hear someone sit next to me "nice drawing, and style." The dark girl whispers. I turn and blush "thank you!"

"I'm Lif! Would you like to see some of my art?"

"Oh my god yes! What do you like doing? For me I like drawing whatever I see outside. It helps me focus I guess?"

Lif had black long hair, she had knee high socks, shorts, boots, and a plain black crop top on. She held her binder, that was decorated with all types of stickers. And her art book was filled with amazing art.

During the whole art class we would whisper to each other, untill we got scolded by Mrs. Vlagmer. So we just passed notes and doodled with each other

After a long ass hour of class, the bell rang.

"Hey Y/N! Want to walk home together?"
Lif asks as we walk out together holding our books. I nod my head, we get out a bit later than everyone because our class is farthest from the exit.

We left the school doors and I see dee waiting at the stairs "I was waiting for you, oh it seems like you have meet lif!"

"Oh this was the new girl you told me about!"
Lif says looking at me, then we walk down to start walking with Dee "well Y/N, I was going to show you to her. It's nice you've met my friend lif!" He chuckles all flusterd and red-faced.

"Well we should all hang out sometime!" I say to the both of them "You guys are like my only friends right now."

We talk and walked until we got to lifs house, we said goodbye as she went inside then it was just me and Dee. For some reason it was very VERY awkward.

For most of the walk he was quiet, and whenever we made eye contact he would look away rubbing the back of his neck. We got to his house and I waved goodbye before walking my way home...

(A/N: I'm so sorry this took so lonng and this chapter is so short. I didn't have any good ideas for this chapter. Ive also been getting sick so often and yk my health is first. I have been feeling better and summer is coming. I may be working but I would have more time now that I would be during school. <3)

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