• ch 3 • Icy Blue •

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After coming back home from the dinner, my bed was calling my name. Plopping into my bed I fall asleep,

But as soon as Im asleep I'm awake again. It's morning and I can hear the birds chirping loudly. I go towards my window "what time is it." I grab my phone from the dresser and check the time "only six thirty and it's already starting to become light."

Looking out my window I realize my room is at a place where I could see Dee's house. I could see the bedroom window would always be at. And I could see him sneaking back into his room.

"What a rebel." I say chuckling.

I grab my clothes for the day and change into them after my cold shower. I grab my headphones, my phone, portable charger, and my sketchbook. I place it all in my plain tote bag and head downstairs.

When I head down I see my father making himself a cup of coffee. "Hey dad, is it ok if I walk around the neighborhood, I want to see if there are any forests. "Keep your location on and don't go to deep!"
I smirk and head for the fridge, I didn't want to head out on an empty stomach. I make myself a sandwich and filled a water bottle up with water. I put it in my bag along with some gummies and a bag of chips.

I go out and head to the car, since I had forgotten my wallet in there I decided to grab it so I can go to some stores. As I shut the door to the car I spotted Dee heading out somewhere. He didn't seem to spot me so I didn't want to bother him, I thought he seemed a bit... Intimidating, he was sarcastic, and non-chalont. And I was sensitive. So I just  headed in a different direction turning left, right, up, down. Just exploring. Soon enough I stumbled apon a corner store, so I went inside. I grabbed a redbull and a pack of watermelon sour patch kids.

"Is that all for you miss?" says the cashieI look at the vapes in the back and see a blueberry flavored lava. So in the moment I decided to get it, he didn't even ID me. "thank you sir." I say to him as I leave, I walked back to my house to head towards the direction Dee went, because I've already explored enough of the left side of the area.

While walking I see a forest, it seemed deep enough so I walked towards it. The tall trees soon hid the sun, and the forest was dim with only shots of sun lights poking through leaves. I find a large tree, and sit down on it's larges root sticking out of the earth. Plugging in one headphone and grabbing my sketchbook, I head back to the drawing I did of the
forest. "This looks so familiar?"

Flipping to the next page, my pencil flies out of my hand "What the hell?" I get up and while my ass off of any dirt when I look back up, it's Dee. "This is yours?" He hands me the pencil "Yeah, thanks!"
"So what are you doing so deep into the woods?" He leans against the tree I was sitting at. "I like nature, and I wanted a nice quiet place to draw. What about you why did you come here?"
Dee just sat down and grabbed a book from his bag and his headphones
He plugged em in and started reading.
'Ok ok guess not?'
After a while of sketching and I got bored. I look over at Dee, he was still reading, and I didn't want to interrupt him. "Do you like Game of Thrones?" He slowly looks over. His eyes were bright, you could see them even if it was dark, it was like they glowed in the dark. He stares at me with confusion. "Sorry um, yeah I like Game of Thrones."
I pull out my book from my bag "I'm reading 'Fire & Blood' by George R. R. Martin." Dee shuts his book and holds it up, clear for me to see. "Same." It gets quiet and awkward really quickly. "So what school do you go to?"
"I go to a school full of idiots, thats what type of school I go to." He goes on a small explanation on how he makes money of the fools in his school. "I think I'm going to that one after the summer! It's gonna be a big change to go from charter to public."
"How is it at a charter?"
"Well they actually challenge you, even with the challenges I got honor roll!"

He snickers "whats so funny?"
"You seem pretty smart for some new broad."
I was taken aback, such a weird comment to make. He seemed rude and egotistical.
But soon he realized what he said I guess. His face turns bright red "I apologize I wasn't thinking." He whispers, his ego is so large it can barely let him apologize. "Your brother, Heavy. He seems so nice, he was helping me a lot."
"My brother teh- He is the biggest dummy in our school. Obviously I'm the smarter one of the two."

We go on and on talking about school, books. I talk about why I am here, but I don't give away any details he could use against me. It's weird to trust strangers so quickly. "So Dee, whats your favorite genre of music?"
"I'm into death metal, alt metal, metal core, Its interesting. What genres do you enjoy?"

"Well, I enjoy rock, nu metal, classical. Here listen." I take take my right earbud and rub it on my sweater to clean it. Then I hand it over to him, puts it in and smirks, after listening to it a while he turns over to look at me "I don't usually talk... To people like this. But you seen smart, I don't like talking to people."
"That's sweet."
"Yeah well I was wondering, maybe, I could go over to your house. I can tell you more about the teachers, the school, and places around town."
My face drops my smile quick, and it seemed like Dee noticed. "My father.. I don't think he would be ok with it. He seems to not like you guys- I mean like boys! He doesent want boys over!"

'God I almost slipped up!' I think to myself as I turn away. My hair covering my face that's flushed pink.
Dee takes my the strand of hair covering my face, and he tucks it behind my ear. I freeze still looking away, but that changes as soon and he grabs the bottom of my face softly, and faces it towards him. We are now making eye contact, his icy blue eyes pericing my eyes. They were so bright it almost hurt.

"You wanna sneak out."

"Me? Sneak out!"

"Yes you little girl, what are you scared?" Dee said smirking and teasing.

"I've just never done it before is all. I would be too nervous!"

"What are you a goody two shoes. How about I sneak in tonight and we progress from there? Does that sounds good to you little girl?"

My face feels hot and I can feel my heartbeat in my head. And I feel butterflies in my belly.

"Let me give you my socials, and we can make a plan from there yeah?"

"Yeah that sounds like a plan! My father is probably expecting me right about now anyways."

We exchange numbers and socials. I start to pack my things but before I leave I looked back at Dee, he smiles then looks away. Then I look around at the trees, it looked so familiar.

I wonder why...

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