Chapter Two

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"Alright, Malfoy let's see if your ridiculous plan works." Harry whispered seemingly to no one. He walked through the darkened halls of Hogwarts under his Invisibility Cloak and the Map in his hands. Malfoy wasn't anywhere inside the castle, infact he was waiting at the Forbidden Forest. Harry shuddered at the thoughts that raced through his head. From his First to Last year so many things happened in that forest. Not all of them were particularly pleasant.

Harry snuck through the corridors and out into the open. A cool September breeze whipped through him as he let his Cloak down to feel the wind. It's been a long time since he stepped outside. The stars shined brightly down on him, he searched the skies for Sirius and smiled sadly at the beautiful star. Wherever he was, he thought, he would be happy. All of them would be.

He shook his head as he continued his trudge towards the forest removing all emotions from his mind. There were too many. It didn't matter though, if this worked, then he needn't ever feel sad anymore. No one would.

"Potter, what took you so long?" Malfoy snipped. He was obviously annoyed. I mean, who wouldn't be, he was forced to wait out in the forest for Merlin knows how long.

"Sorry." Harry said sheepishly as he ducked his head in apology.

"Whatever, listen, just- in the forest, somewhere, I'm really not sure where- there are moon beams. We need their essence." Malfoy instructed, handing a rather large empty jar which was supposed to filled with moon beam essence, whatever that was.

"I'm sorry what!?" Harry asked incredulously as he held the heavy jar.

"Moon beams Potter. The little white flowers that are coated in toxins that can melt your hands." Malfoy continued ignoring Harry's rapidly growing concerned look.

"Have you ever listened to a Potions or Herbology class ever." Malfoy asked snarkily. And with small shake of the head from Harry, Malfoy never had the urge to hit his head against a tree more in his life. "I see, just, follow me. With any luck you will survive the toxin attack. The Saviour never dies right." The last sentence was obviously a joke meant for himself, but Harry never wished to be more dead in his life.

"Is there anything else we need to collect other than these moon beans?" Harry asked as they walked deeper into the forest.

" It's moon beams Potter not beans and to be honest I already collected most of the stuff I just need to find these things and one more thing that I'll tell you later." Harry only nodded silently as he followed Malfoy.

It took them a while before they entered a clearing. The place was beautiful. There were bushes upon bushes of white flowers and other shrubs with huge trees protecting them. Small glowing lights flitted about that were later recognized to be little faeries flying about. They seemed to be harvesting the essence of the white flowers.

"Are those the moon beams?" Harry asked as he set the jar on the ground bent down to take a closer look at the flowers.

"Yes, but don't touch them they will burn you." Marlfoy warned.

"Then how do we get the essence?"

"We need to cut them by the stem and crush them. For every two parts of toxin there is a third of essence in them. Don't waste any, it looks like the essence are the faeries sustenance." Harry only nodded in return. Malfoy handed him a small knife to cut the stems with. At first, he seemed to be at a loss on what to do but after watching the blonde do it first he seemed to get a hang of it. Malfoy first cut the stem, just big enough for him to hold it and the flowers against the rim of the blade. He pressed down on the flowers with the blade and watched as yellow juice came out from the petals. He poured the yellow juice out near the roots of the plant and pressed again and Harry couldn't help but get mesmerized by the soft silver satin-like liquid that came out. It barely filled the bottom of the bottle but it looked so beautiful.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2023 ⏰

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