Nurse you back alive

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Kiyoko was sitting at her desk that was right beside Sawada's. She was the

It was already 7.20am! School starts in 10 minutes and no one is here, now even the homeroom teacher!

' Where the hell are they? '

Suddenly, the door was swung open. It was Yamaguchi sensei.

Kumiko : Sorry I'm late!

Kiyoko : There's no one here sensei...

Kiyoko awkwardly pointed at the empty classroom.

Kumiko : Where is everyone?

Kumiko looked around, seeing there was only Kiyoko in the classroom. She placed a stack of worksheets down on the table before walking towards the only person present.

Kumiko : Kiyoko-chan, do you know where the rest are?

Kiyoko : Nope

Kiyoko replied, shaking her head.

Suddenly (again), Noda Takeshi, busted in.

Noda : Sensei! The other's are getting beaten up by another gang!

Noda spoke while panting, he had a few bruises on his face so that confirms it.


Kiyoko grabbed the med kit before all three of them rushed and followed Noda to a abandon building.

And there was the horror, half the students were on the ground while some still standing.

Kumiko : Get the hell away from my students.

All heads turned towards Kumiko, then to Kiyoko.

Dude 1 : And who are you?

One dude gave a smug look towards Kumiko

Kumiko : Their Homeroom teacher.

Kumiko death stared the dude.

Dude 2 : And whose the pretty lady?

Another dude looked at Kiyoko up and down, checking her out.

Don't know what came over Sawada but he punched the guy.

Dude 2 : You son of a bitc-

Before he could finish his sentence, Kumiko took of her hair tie and kicked the guy.

She started to fight all of them like it something she does everyday.

' Yamaguchi sensei is so cool!' Kiyoko thought as she slowly dragged some of her classmates to the side, helping them patch up. She then dragged Sawada to another corner as he had more serious injuries.

Sawada : What are you doing here? It's dangerous!

Kiyoko : Same to you.

Sawada tried to respond but shut his mouth as he did not have a come back for that.

Kiyoko slowly cleaned his wounds and bandaged his face, arms, legs..

Kiyoko : Don't take this the wrong way, but lift your shirt, I need to clean the wound on your stomach.

Sawada gave a light hearted chuckle before lifting his shirt, revealing a set tone of abs.

Kiyoko had a small blush on her face as she slowly cleans the wound.

Sawada : Maybe I should get injured more often

He light laughed.

Kiyoko : Then I guess I have to nurse to back to life everytime.

Kiyoko gave him the most breath taking smile.

A light blush formed on Sawada's cheeks and the tip of his ears turned pink.

Kumiko : Is everyone okay?

All : Yea...

They all replied, still groaning in pain.

Kiyoko heaved out a sigh of relief, this is an interesting group of students....

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