Chapter Two

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Anastasia's Point Of View:

Christian smiles at me when our eyes lock in the mirror, I smile back. Cherishing the moment. His smiles have become rare over this past year, even around me.

I don't know what it is, but, it seems like since.....that night, he's changed. I think finding out that his father was no more than a sleezebag has really taken a toll on him. Christian snaps at any and everyone. Even at me a few times.

The last time he did it, we were in the playroom and he snapped at me for not moaning loud enough.

I know, your making that, "what the hell face" I did too. That's when I suggested we get away and well, here we are, in Lanikai Beach Resort in Oahu, Hawaii.

This past week has been amazing. Christian hasn't snapoed once and we've spent so much time making love, talking, cuddling and, making love. I knew all he needed was a break.

"Can you help me?" I ask, holding up the necklace he bought me, against my wishes.

Christian smiles again. "Why Ms. Steele, it would be my great pleasure."

He stands behind me, his dress shirt unbuttoned, the heat of his skin radiating on to my back, which is out thanks to my backless dress.

He pulls my long hair to the side and kisses my neck, sending chills down my spine. When his fingers reach the bottom of my neck, I feel him lift to undo my locket and my hand automatically clutches on to it.

"No." I whisper, my heartbeating wildly.

I look up into the mirror and see the annoyed look on Christian's face.

"Anastasia....."he starts , I hold up my hand to stop him. I didn't want to have this conversation with him, again.

See, I haven't taken off the locket Austin gave me, since he put it around my neck. It just seems, wrong. I can't bring myself to take it off, to forget about him. He died, protecting me.

Yet, as I look in the mirror and into the gray eyes of Christian, I know that it's time. It's been a year. He's gone and, never coming back.

Slowly, ever so slowly, I reach behind neck and undo the clasp of the locket. I grab the locket and hold it tightly in my hand for a moment before laying it down onto the bathroom counter.

Christian places the diamond necklace he bought onto my neck, kiss my cheek and leaves the bathroom.

I take in a deep breath anf glance over my shoulder. I have the strongest urge to snatch off this huge diamond necklace that holds at least 15 diamonds, and put my locket back on. Instead, I slide it down the counter slowly until it falls inside the trash can.

It's time to move on, to get over Austin. He's gone and I'll never see him again.


"Keep your blindfold." Christian murmurs in my ear as he guides me through the hotel.

We just finished a romantic candle lit dinner inside a private dinning room and now, I am blindfolded and being led by Christian to, a new beginning.

Whatever that means.

When we stop, I can smell something, sweet yet, natural.

"You can look now." His voice holds a nervousness I never heard in it before.

I take off the blindfold and before me is a room full of flowers and candles. I gasp, cover my mouth and, turn to face Christian. He is not standing behind me but, kneeling down on one knee.

He is on one knee with a ring in hand.

"Anastasia, I know life has not been perfect for us but, you are perfect for me. The thought of ever losing you, of not being able to wake up next to you....I can not even bear the thought of it. I want to spend forever with you. Anastasia Rose Steele, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife? Will you, marry me?"

Unable to speak through my tears, I nod furiously.

Christian smiles, a bright care free smile as he slides the rung upon my finger. He stands and wraps his arms around me and presses his lips against mine.

When he pulls back and I look into his eyes, reality hits me.

I am going to marry this man.


I stand outside on the deck connected to the room where Christian just proposed and stare out at the water underneath the moonlight.

Christian needed to take an emergency call, which he's not happy about since, it interrupted our celebratory drink of champagne.

I sigh as I feel a gentle breeze caressing my skin. And for a moment, I feel it. Austin's presences. I know he's not here but, I still feel him.

I sigh again and swallow down the rest of my champagne in one gulp.

"Refill, ma'am." A voice says behind me.

I turn around to decline but, drop my glass instead when I see who is standing there.

"No....." I gasp as I stare into the dark brown eyes of the man I fell for too.

"No....your....your dead...." I gasp out, eyes wide.

His eyes too are wide.

"Anastasia....." he whispers.


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