"So, why did you even take up this job then?" I quired, bringing a hand up to rub against my throbbing forehead. I had no idea where this sickening feeling had even come from but it was hitting me like a damn truck.

"For one reason and one reason alone..." He took a suspicious pause, leaning off of the table and analyzing me once more. I groaned and squeezed my eyes shut as my vision slowly became blurred and my body felt weak. "To bring Harry Potter to the dark lord." 'Dark lord... I heard about him before...' I tried to place who exactly that was as my mind worked hard to function. My [e/c] orbs trailing around the room and finally landing on the drink the professor had given me it all clicked. The dark lord was Voldamort, so evil most refused to speak his name and was after Harry. And I was getting suspicious of the professor, meaning he had to shut me up quickly before I interfered... 'He drugged me.' I finally realized, letting my grip on the bottle loosen and it shattered once it made contact with the floor. I stumbled out of the seat and had to use the nearby desk to hold my weight up, body feeling weak. Staring at Moody and the number of glasses behind him I now know what their contents were.

"Polyjuice Potion..." I muttered and he nodded, pulling his wand out.

"Indeed." He smirked. "Luckily, my requirements given from the dark lord were only to bring Harry Potter to him alive, but he said nothing about keeping noisy Hufflepuff girls alive. Besides, you're turning Severus soft anyway." He brought his arm back, pointing his wand at my weak form, no doubt about to cast the killing curse. Quickly I pulled out my own wand, casting Depulso swiftly despite my intoxicated state. He flew back, crashing into the mess of objects which was scattered behind him and I took the opportunity to run.

I stumbled all over the place as I sprinted down halls, vision too blurred to make out where it was I was going. Eventually, after determining that I was far enough away from Moody, or whoever he really was, I let my legs collapse and I fell to the cold stone ground below, alone in the hallway. I wanted to call out for help, but found that I was too frail to even speak. It was like the entire world was sinning in painfully fast circles, making me sick. I suffered through the feeling until eventually, I lost consciousness.


I became aware of my breathing, keeping my eyes shut as I began to wake. Except, I didn't exactly want to. Not because I still felt sick but instead I felt amazingly comfortable. Body warm and laying on a soft mattress, a comforting pillow below my head and blankets wrapped around me. The feeling of light fingers brushing through my hair soothingly made my form melt into their touch. I shifted a little, wrapping my arms around a pillow and holding it tight. The strokes in my hair had abruptly stopped as I did and didn't start up again for a long moment after I was settled.

It wasn't until the pillow in my arms started to move when I began to question the situation I was in. 'Last I remember, pillows don't move on their own.' I forced my eyes to flutter open and my mind immediately started to work, determining where I was and how I had gotten there.

The lighting was dim and almost ominous. Everything around me was either green or silver. The walls elegantly stacked gray bricks and had a tapestry hanging over it just across from my line of sight. 'Where in the world am I?' I silently questioned, using my arm to push my body up into a seated position. And that's when my heart practically skipped a million beats, for my eyes had locked with none other than Draco Malfoy's, who was apparently the 'pillow' I was holding onto. My mouth fell agape as I realized I was in his room... In bed with him, and I have zero memory of getting here.

Malfoy looked absolutely mortified over the fact I had woken up all of a sudden. His icy eyes were wide and he swallowed as my eyebrows knitted together.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2023 ⏰

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