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[y/n] [l/n] is the daughter of a witch and a no-maj. A half-blood. Her blood status never really bothered her, most magicians in America not caring over such things. But something about having to juggle those two different lives felt overbearing to the girl, though she had a good life, no real right to complain about it.

However, that was before her parents were put into a life threatening situation. They wouldn't tell [y/n] what exactly it was that was threatening them, only that it was magical, dangerous, and couldn't be stopped. They didn't want to put her in danger as well, saying it would be best if [y/n] cut all contact with them. Of course, the girl's first solution was to just stay with her no-mag father until her mother found a way to fix the situation, only for some odd reason her no-mag parent was being targeted as well. So, she moved in with some extended family for a while, until the [h/c] haired girl came back from a shopping trip with friends to see them all dead on the floor, their lifeless eyes staring up at her. She stood and watched in fear as one of them took their last dying breath in front of her, knowing that whatever or whoever did this was the very thing her parents were afraid of. It became abundantly clear that America was no longer a safe place for her. She'd have to leave.

[y/n] wondered how this could be? What was her life going to look like from here? Would she ever be able to see her parents again? Who was going to look after her now? The only question which was eventually answered was the last one; [y/n] apparently had a godfather located in London, to her surprise. Severus Snape was his name, an old friend of her mothers, when she studied abroad for a year at Hogwarts.

This meant that the girl had to leave not only her parents, but everyone and everything she knows and loves. She'd have to leave Ilvermorny, the school she had been going to over the past three years. She had to leave her home to live with a man whom she's never met, and only found out about recently.

So, there she was, sitting on a plane with all her belongings headed for London. Nerves sending adrenaline rushing through her veins, for just before her flight she learned that her parents had gone missing, thanks to the local news. So now, not only was her entire future uncertain, but her parents' fate as well.

All she could do at this point was hope and pray for a quite few years at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. 

Opposites AttractTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon