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Chapter thirteen: Spinning

A/N: Wowwww y'all get a long chapter! Don't really know how that happened (Yes I do, I was writing for my other stories which are really long just before writing this chapter so length of it kinda rubbed off on this a little.) But that's ok, pls enjoy this chaotic chapter.

[Y/N]'S POV:

The entire school was decked out in gear which showed their support for one of the four champions. Everyone anticipating the last and final challenge of the TriWizard Tournament.

I was restless almost the entire morning, not being able to wait for when the challenge finally took place. I wasn't the only one either, almost everyone not caring all too much about what was going on in their morning classes and instead making bets with their peers over who they thought was going to win. Malfoy, sitting behind me in Moody's class, was certain that Crum would win, where I personally disagreed, I think it's going to be Cedric. Of course, I am slightly biased but with him being in first place I definitely think he has the best overall chances.

After the period had ended, and some talk about their being a midday hype party in the Hufflepuff common room starting next period went around, professor Moody had called out my last name and requested I were to stay after class to speak with him. 'Well this is gonna be fucking horrible.' I thought, dreading the idea. Especially since I knew Snape had spoken with Moody by this point as well. He's probably furious with me. Once all the other students had left he tilted his head in the direction of a closed off room, beckoning for me to follow, so I silently did. Entering his private office he leaned against a messy table and gestured for me to take a seat on a chair just across from him.

"Am I in trouble?" I asked, nervousness consuming me as his glass eye seemed to be examining me.

"No, no." He shook his head and I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not. "It's just, Professor Snape, your father, had a little conversation with me." 'I knew that's what this was about! He is mad at me. Damn it!'

"Well, I'm sure he said what needed to be said in that case."

"Yes, which is what prompted me to want to have a little one on one conversation with you. You do realize if you have any concerns you can address them directly to me, yes [l/n]?"

"Yes professor." I quickly answered, feeling a little unsettled with where exactly this was going. He then twisted his body to rummage through the objects littering his disorganized desk before finding a glass bottle and taking a large swig of its contents.

"Well, go on. Address your concerns." He said between sips. I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear nervously as I forced myself to speak up.

"For starters, the drinking. It's not that I care if you do drink but you really should dial it down around students. It's..." I trailed off, thinking of the right phrasing. "A little suspicious honestly. Like you're drinking to hide something, I don't know how to explain it." He then put the glass down as I finished up my sentence. "Then, with the unforgivable's, I get that they are an aspect of this subject but it's getting to the point where it seems that's the only part of the subject that you actually understand and I morally don't agree with your teaching style. On top of that the way you treat students violates the rules teachers are upheld to and you quite clearly only care about Harry Potter, like training him is your only purpose for being here." I let my gaze drift around the room as I waited for a response, feeling too anxious to look at him. I tensed as he analyzed me and my wary form.

"You're very perceptive." was all Moody said before grabbing a bottle off another nearby table and handing it to me. "Please, drink, get comfortable while we talk through this dilemma." I swished around the liquid in the bottle, a little hesitant to drink it. "Oh don't be like that, it's not alcohol. What kind of professor do you think I am? Giving students such a drink!" He tisked at me, so out of pressure I took a large gulp, hoping that would satisfy him enough to not become hostile. Once I swallowed he decided to continue to speak. "You see, I am quite talented when it comes to the unforgivables and I've never been particularly fond of school so you can understand why I focus more on that aspect in my class." I nodded my head as a feeling of nausea had started to build up in my throat. "Also, I have violated a few rules because I really don't care about them and teach my class the only way I see fit. Which will never live up to a Hufflepuff's morals." As my nausea worsened a dizziness washed over me and I had to force myself past the feeling to continue my conversation with the man.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2023 ⏰

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