15 Minutes

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Despite everyone being beaten and bruised, they were all stocking up for the next fight. I had brought Lucy back, and she revealed to everyone who she was. Many people gathered around Macao and Wakaba as they inspected a map, making a plan. I stood next to Lucy, arms crossed and leaning against the wall. She had her head bowed and her fists clutched in her lap. "Don't worry." Gray assured the sulking blonde. "We'll get 'em back for this." Lucy looked down a little more.

"I know." She said softly. "I'm not worried about that. It's just...all my fault..."

"Being targeted by dangerous people is just one of the downsides of being rich." Elfman stated. "At least you're protected by a real man, like me!" I turned my head and glared harshly at Elfman, my lips pulling back over my teeth.

"Will you give it a rest already!" Gray spat at him.

"I gotta say, I was shocked when I heard the news." Happy admitted. "Why'd you hide the truth from us Lucy?"

"I wasn't trying to hide anything!" Lucy protested. "I mean, there's no way to bring up the fact that I'm a runaway in casual conversation. I've been gone for a year and my father hasn't cared. Now all of a sudden he's forcing me to come home? He's done all those horrible things just to get me to go back. I hate his guts! Still, if I hadn't run away in the first place, none of this would have ever happened."

"Don't be ridiculous, your dad's the one to blame!" Elfman said.

"Elfman..." I growled.

"Uh, it's Phantom's fault!"

"No..." Lucy argued softly. "I'm the one who brought trouble to the Guild and it's all because of my own selfish choices. I'm so very sorry...I'm just going to go back home and hopefully, all this will be over..." I pushed myself off the wall and knelt in front of Lucy, taking her hands in mine.

"You don't have to go back." I assured her gently. "Knowing you...I don't see you sitting helplessly doing anything in a mansion. Being here, in Fairy Tail, laughing with us in the dirty Guild Hall, coming on us on adventures even if they scare you...that is who you are. You told me that you wanted to stay with us, so what reason would you have to go back to the place you felt miserable in." Lucy looked up at me, tears in her eyes. "You're Lucy of Fairy Tail, you belong here." I turned Lucy's hand over to reveal her Guild Mark. "This proves it."

"I'm sorry." Lucy sobbed, bringing her hands up to her face. I stood up a little, pulling her into a hug. She clutched at my shirt, pulling me closer. I was vaguely aware of Cana failing to find Mystogan, and Laxus being an absolute ass, not coming back to help save his grandfather. If we look at the ranking of Guild Members, right now, I was the top-ranked member, so it was my job now to lead the Guild. Suddenly, there was a loud crash and the earth shook.

"What's goin' on?!" Gray demanded Alzack then ran down the stairs, a wild look in his eye.

"OUTSIDE!" He shouted. Fairy Tail exited the Guild, and I paled...there was...a walking...building....

"What is that thing!?" Natsu demanded. We all watched in horror as the building approached us.

"It's a Guild Hall with ginormous legs!" Happy exclaimed.

"Is it Phantom?" Loke wondered, the Guild Hall getting closer and closer.

"How do we fight that thing?!" Wakaba cried.

"I never anticipated this." Erza said shakily, only clad in a towel as she had just gotten out of the shower. "I can't believe they'd go to such extremes to attack us!" The walking Guild Hall then stopped, and then a wall slid down. I watched as a cannon of some sort extended, and pointed directly at our Guild. A black ball of energy formed at the end of it, growing in size.

The Daughter of the Apocolypse {ON HIATUS}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz