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Anna's POV

It's odd how one person can change your life in an instant. How they can come into your life unexpectedly, as well as unwanted. But somehow end up being a blessing, a life changer. I honestly thought I would never leave that room. After I died I had thought I was banned from the outside world, but I wasn't.

When Harry moved into my home I was mad- no furious! I hated the idea of someone else living in my house, a house where memories were made years before. He didn't belong there, but that was my perspective then. Now I enjoy his company even though sometimes he get's a bit nosey.

"Are you alright?" His deep, raspy voice asks.

"I'm fine. I was just thinking." He nods and continues to gaze out at the pond and I do the same.

After gazing for what seems like hours I notice the sky starting to clear up. The clouds have disappeared and the rain is slowing. I need to get home or at least bid Harry, 'goodbye'.

"Harry, I think we need to leave." He turns his head towards myself.

"What for?" His eyebrows crease along with his shoulders dropping.

"You can stay, but I wanted to say goodbye the storm is letting up, so that means I have to go." I explain myself.

"Oh, well do you have to?"

"I don't really have a choice. Once the storm is gone, so am I." I can start to sense myself slowly fading away, so I wave towards Harry until my worlds fades to complete darkness.

My eyes squint open, as the morning sunrise peaks through my curtains and onto my face. I hop out of bed, slipping on my slippers and walk over to my wash basin that has a mirror attached. I pick up the water jug that has pink roses covering it. I pour the water into the bowl and sit the jug back down on the vanity like piece of furniture. I proceed to wash my face before slipping on a thin tea gown. It's a thin white lacy dress that covers my undergarments when I am not in bed or lounging around.

I walk down the steps, greeting my mother in the kitchen. She is cooking up a storm, like always. Mother loves to cook. I'm not really for sure why, but she always has.

"Good morning." I say, as I'm walking over to the stove where she continues to finish breakfast.

"Good morning, darling. Did you sleep well?" She ask in a sweet tone, looking at me from over her shoulder.

"Yes, very much so."

Not long after greeting my mother, father joins us downstairs with a stack of papers and a cup filled with coffee. His round glasses are pushed up onto his nose. He looks like he is in deep thought about something.

"Good morning, father." I say, walking over to him and giving him a side hug.

"Good morning, Anna." He pats my shoulder before saying, "I have some news for you, I talked with the Williams last night and they said it would be lovely for you and Max to go out for tea this morning." I groan enterally even though my father is smiling wide. My parents are arranging for me to marry this man named, Max Williams. He seems like a delightful young man, but I want to have the choice to fall in love, not forced into it with someone I will never love back.

"Oh, well I guess that will be alright." I force a smile because I know it will make him happy I just don't understand why they are forcing me into an arranged marriage. Not many people nowadays tolerate their parents doing that.

"I suggest you go and get ready, you wouldn't want to keep the boy waiting." I nod my head and start back up the stairs where Marry, our maid who has also been like a mother to me, helps me get dressed for the day. After about an hour of sucking in, the corset along with a peach colored gown is finally on. My hair is curled and left down, (even though Marry insisted she pin it up.) When I arrive downstairs mother and father both agree I look stunning and they couldn't believe their baby girl was growing up so fast.

"I think I heard the doorbell, hurry up you mustn't keep him waiting." My mother speaks. I walk towards the door opening it and being greeted by a bouquet of flowers.

"Oh, these are lovely." I smile, as the scent of the flowers fill my senses.

"I thought you might like them." Max says, bringing his face from behind the roses. I hand mother the flowers and bid her and father goodbye.


I honestly don't know where the time went lol I meant to write this about a week ago haha.


Dedicated to: @andyesthisisme

I really enjoyed your comment. You weren't afraid to call me out on my mistakes (and there are many) I truly hope one day you can become an author. Btw I read over your story and really enjoyed it! :)


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