A - Chapter 1

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Katniss was awoken by the flaming red sun on one fateful morning. It was June 20, the date of the summer solstice. If it had been any other year, the reaping would have taken place by now. However, after Katniss completely ended both President Snow and President Coin's careers, the Hunger Games had seemingly been postponed. That was fairly surprising, as Mr. O'Hare had been the one to step up to presidency after the two other candidates went on their merry way. Katniss wasn't quite sure how the mayor from The Lorax managed his way to presidency but he was a considerable improvement from the past leader of Panem.

Katniss glared at the analogue clock on the wall. 7:32 AM. She sighed and rested her head back onto the pillow, deciding that she would try to get some more rest. After about ten minutes, she was disturbed by a loud crash at the front of the house.

"Peeta?" she asked into the sunlit hallway. In response, a familiar shadow moved into focus.

"Uhh, hey!" The enthusiastic voice of Primrose's killer sent unpleasant shivers down Katniss's spine.

"Gale, how many times do I have to tell you to stop breaking into my house?!" She snapped, grabbing her bow.

"I didn't break in," Gale responded while trying to block Katniss from seeing the window that he had clearly just broken in through.

"Get out of my house or I'll deal you the same fate that you dealt to my sister," Katniss said as she tightened her grip on her weapon.

"Calm down, that happened like a year ago," Gale rolled his eyes. Katniss squinted.

"Um, anyways," Gale said awkwardly. "I came because—" he was cut off by the sound of television static, which was quickly replaced by Mr. O'Hare's voice.

"Hello, my lovely people of Panem," the president smiled widely. He was sitting in a blue throne, which looked rather odd due to the fact that he was approximately 3'2". He also had a crown atop his head because he's extra like that.

"As I'm sure you all know, I was planning to put an end to the Hunger Games this year..." the stubby man said as he stroked his non-existent beard. "HOWEVER! I've decided that we need a grand finale. So get ready people, because the reaping ceremonies will commence in ten minutes. Toodles!" Mr. O'Hare finished, blowing a kiss to the camera. The TV powered itself off.

Gale stared at Katniss, who had lowered her bow.

"Grand finale?" she whispered in disbelief. Just when she thought she had escaped the games, they came running back with a vengeance.

"I'm so sorry," Gale said, reaching for her hand.

"Don't touch me you—" once again, their sympathetic conversation was interrupted by the TV flickering back on.

"One last thing, my friends," Mr. O'Hare said mischievously, "instead of our usual 24 participants, we will be choosing 50 this year. Also, you're still eligible if you're a victor from a previous year. Just to spice things up a little bit. The more the merrier, right?" he laughed obnoxiously as he delivered that last line. "Oh, right. Last thing, I promise. If your name is Peeta Mellark, you are not obligated to attend the games. That's all. Happy Hunger Games! May the odds be ever in your favour or whatever. Haha. Cut the cameras."

The screen went black.

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