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You and Amber arrived at her house before Richie did. You got out of the car, then she did. She didn't try to hold your hand or look at you, she just walked straight to the door.

"Amber what the fuck is your problem?" You ask her, you're trying very hard not to raise your voice.

She turns around with the keys in hand, you could see tears in her eyes, "I don't know what I got us into. I'm regretting it..." Her voice cracked as tears started falling.

"Oh... Babe..." She unlocks the door as you reach her. Whenever you two got in you immediately wrapped your arms around her. She sobs into your shoulder. You try to comfort her by rubbing her back but you aren't successful, she keeps crying. She stops once she hears a car pull into the driveway.

"Shit." She mutters while wiping the tears off her face. Her eyes are still puffy and red, she just had to hope Richie wouldn't pay too close attention. Richie gets out of his car and walks to the door. You wrapped your hand around Amber's waist as he entered.

"Hey." He says to you both.

"Hi." Amber responds, you just respond with a slight nod. "Let's go sit down."

"So what's next?" He asks while we're walking to the living room.

We all sit down, him on a chair and you and Amber on the couch. You put your arm around Amber. "We could always attack someone random." Amber suggests. You didn't know why she was still suggesting things if she regretted this but you just went with it.

"They have to be connected to someone from the original woodsboro massacre."

"Didn't Leslie Macher have a son?" You ask.

"Who's Leslie Macher?" Richie asks, looking at you.

"Stu Machers sister." You reply.

"Wait you're right. Hold on." Amber pulls out her phone and looks up Leslie Macher. "His name is Vince Schneider. It's the guy Tara and Liv worked with."

"Okay, well we got our next target." Richie says while getting up.

"Are you leaving?" Amber asks.

Richie's heading towards the door, "Yeah? That's all I wanted to come here for." He opens the door, "Bye." He quickly says before walking out and shutting the door behind him.

"Well he's oh so much fun." You snicker.

"Yea..." She threw her head back while putting her hands over her face. She seemed stressed. You didn't know how to help so you just pulled her closer to you. She looked at you and smiled before resting her head on your shoulder. She curled into a ball like shape with her arms hugging herself and fell asleep like that.

A/N: I know I said I would make this one longer but it's still short I'm sorry 😭. I have no motivation for this story but I'll still try to finish it.

All For Love (Fem!Reader x Amber Freeman)Where stories live. Discover now