Friend Group

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You, Amber, Mindy and Wes sat at picnic tables outside your highschool. Amber sat on the table while you sat on the seat right below her so your head was in her lap.

She ran her fingers through your hair as she was talking to the rest of the group, "So, Sam's coming?" She asked Wes who had been the one to call Sam and tell her that Tara had been attacked.

"Yeah." Wes, like everyone else, didn't seem too happy Sam was coming. She left Tara when she was 8 so no one knows what to expect. All they know is they're still pissed she left.

"Watch everything get worse." Amber is secretly very pleased that she's coming. This was the plan. You also knew she was bringing Richie, her boyfriend, who was all the mystery reddit guy.

You see Chad and Liv walking towards everyone talking, "Ya know, we should take our relationship to the next, most intimate level."
Liv rolls her eyes at him, "You want me to accept your find my friends request?"

"Correct." Him and Liv sit down on the bench opposite of you and Amber, "With a killer on the loose you'll know where I am and I'll know where you are."

"You can stalk me like a jealous boyfriend?"

"You can stalk me like a jealous boyfriend!"

Wes pipes in, he knows a lot about this with his mom being Judy Hicks, the sheriff of Woodsboro. "Don't do it Liv, not with a killer on the loose. My mom says you should disable GPS, delete social media, and arm up. Pepper spray? Check. Taser? Check."

"Girlfriend repellent Check." Amber says jokingly."

"Oh, speaking of your mom, she just asked me if I was involved in Tara's attack." Chad says, obviously annoyed. 

"I'm  sure she's asking everybody."

"Yea Chad, don't feel special, she isn't only asking people who look like 'roided out serial killers. Well, what about you Amber? How do we know the video wasn't recorded? What's your alibi?" Mindy Questions.

"It's obvious I'm not the attacker, you see me and the person in the video!"

"Isn't there always two killers in the stab movies?" Liv adds.

"Not in 3 or 8." Mindy says. She knew all about all the Stab movies. She normally had them on just for background noise. "Also," she continues on turning to Wes, "the press still hasn't said anything about ghostface."

"Mom doesn't wanna panic anyone."

"People will figure it out, it always gets out by the second or third killing."

"There wasn't even a first killing. Tara's alive." You say in a pissed off tone.

"I mean, she could still die." Mindy shrugs as she says this.

"Fuck Mindy!!" Chad smacks her shoulder lightly.

Mindy continues on, "I'm just saying! Or the killer could come back for her."

Liv looks at Chad, "Please tell your sister to stop talking."

"Something's different this time though.." Mindy stops talking as Liv sits up straight, you look behind you and Amber and see an older dude with dark hair staring at the group.

"Is that Vince?" Liv asks herself out loud.

"The douche you slept with last summer?" Chad says, he puffs out his chest. You tried not to laugh seeing this.

"Yeah... He worked with Tara and me. He's been stalking my Insta, saying creepy shit." Liv scoots closer to Chad.

"He worked with Tara?" Amber asks. Her question went unanswered. It was weird, she was very protective of Tara even though she was the one who asked you to attack her.

Chad rolled up his sleeves, "I think it's time to introduce him to Hobbs and Shaw." You held back a laugh, he was talking about his biceps.

"Maybe let's not incite violence in front of the sheriff?" As Liv says this Vince blows her a kiss and gets into his truck. "He's leaving anyway. Thanks though boys." Liv says as she gives Chad's biceps a little squeeze, Chad winces at this.

Mindy eyes him, "Hm. Tara said she fought back, hard. You've got bruises." You feel Tara's hand untangle itself from your hair so you look up, she's on her phone.

"From practice. I would like to point out that suspecting me, your twin brother, of attacking our mutual friend is like seventeen levels of fucked up."

Mindy shrugs as Amber looks up from her phone and starts to talk, "Tara's awake, she just texted. I'm going to the hospital." She scooted off the table, careful not to hit you. "You coming?" She asked the group.

You got up, so did everyone else.

"I can't, but I'll meet you guys later." Liv says as she kisses Chad.

She walks away. Wes watches as she goes, you could tell he was suspicious of her. To be fair everyone seemed to be suspicious of everyone. As Liv walks out of sight you, Amber, Mindy, Chad, and Wes start towards the parking lot. You and Amber walked hand in hand silently.

You heard the twins bickering about nothing important as you reached the cars. Wes had his own, Mindy and Chad shared one, and Amber had her own. You didn't have a car but you rode with Amber every day.

"Meet you guys there?" Wes asked.

"Yep." Amber replied quickly.

"Yeah.." Mindy said, you could tell she was annoyed by something Chad said but you didn't dare ask.

Wes got into his car as you and Amber got into hers. You saw Mindy and Chad stand behind their car arguing again but this time you could tell it was about who got to drive. They fought a lot but more times than not it was just sibling rivalry and nothing big.

"You ready, Baby?" Amber asked you.

"Yea.. I guess."

"What's wrong?" She backed up out of the parking lot and started driving.

"I just don't want to see what I did to Tara. I still care about her." You rubbed your hands up and down your thighs trying to calm yourself down. You regretted what you did but you knew it made Amber happy.

"I know. She'll be fine though." Amber moved her right hand on top of your left hand attempting to stop you from rubbing your thighs to the point where they hurt. You let her and she squeezed your thigh slightly, in a reassuring way.

"She better be. I don't want to watch her die."

Amber looks over and smiles, "It'll be alright." You nod to acknowledge you heard her. She drops the topic because of your silence. The silence continues for the entire ride to the hospital.

All For Love (Fem!Reader x Amber Freeman)Where stories live. Discover now