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You and Amber arrived first at the hospital. Both of you got out of the car and started heading inside. Amber could tell you were nervous so she gently grabbed your hand and held it while walking inside.

It didn't take long for you to find Tara's room and get up there. You walked into the room and saw Tara sitting up on her bed watching TV.

She turned the TV off as soon as she saw you both, "Hey...!" She sounded very weak, but also very excited to see you and Amber.

Amber rushed over to her bedside, "Hey. How are you feeling?" Amber sounded like she knew nothing. You found it extraordinary how good at acting she is.

"Not great... but the pain killers they gave me are amazing." She laughs but her laugh quickly turns into a cough. You pulled up a chair for you and a chair for Amber right beside Tara's bed. You both sat, Amber grabbed your hand once again. Her other hand was on Tara's shoulder, trying to comfort her. "Where's everyone else?" She asked.

"No clue. The twins went together and Wes went by himself." You said in a soft tone.

"Well, I'm glad you two are here." Tara smiles at you and Amber.

A minute after she said that, not even, you could hear the twins in the hallway trying to figure out where the room was. You heard Chad first, "This one?"

"No, dumbass, read the numbers. It's this one." Mindy entered the room as she said this.

"Both of you stop fighting," Wes entered the room next, separating the twins. Chad entered after him, only rolling his eyes in response.

Mindy comes to Tara's bed, across from you and Amber. "Hey. Glad to see you awake!"

"Hey." Tara gave the three who just came in a weak smile.

Mindy, Chad, and Wes pull up chairs next to Tara's bed. They all sit opposite from you and Amber.

"So," Wes starts, "Sam's on her way. Thought I'd warn you."

Tara's eyes widened in shock, she hadn't seen her sister in about a decade. "She's actually coming?" Tara asked. Wes nods in response. You could see her stomach rising and falling faster.

"Tara, breathe, it's okay." You reassure her. She gives you a small smile, as she does you can see her breathing regulate itself.

Sam appeared in the doorway, it felt as if you could say her name and she appeared. "Hey.. How are you feeling?" She gives Tara a warm smile.

"You came." It sounded like Tara was asking if Sam came, or why she came.

You tense up as someone else enters the room.

"Of course I did. Wes called." The guy appears next to Sam. "Oh, this is my boyfriend Richie." The name, you remembered the name. It was the guy on Reddit that Amber was talking to. As you realize this you grip Amber's hand. You lead her over to the other side of the bed with everyone else to separate yourself from him.

"Hey." He awkwardly says to Tara. "I hope I'm not intruding." Tara replies with a smile.

Sam walks over to the side of the bed you're on to hug Wes. "This is Mindy and Chad, the twins, and Wes. I used to babysit them all." She smiles back at Richie.

"Which is always how I like to be introduced." Wes jokes, it earns an awkward laugh from Sam.

"Have you heard from mom?" Sam asks, turning back to Tara, who nods.

"Yeah, for all of 10 minutes." Amber scoffs.

"Oh Amber.. And Y/N. Hey." She quickly says before turning back around.

"Look, there's a lot of people here. Maybe we should give Tara some space." Amber says to everyone.

"I want you to say." Tara says, looking at Sam.

"Of course. I was thinking I could sleep here tonight."

"I would like that." Tara smiles at her sister.

"Let's go." Amber whispers to you. Everyone else says goodbye to Tara and Sam.

"Babe, I'm gonna go back to the motel for now. I'll see you later." Richie informs Sam.

"Alright." She replies, not even looking back." The group files out, you and Amber are the second to last to leave, Richie being the last. You're holding hands with Amber still, not wanting to let her go. The group gets into the elevator.

"So... What are we gonna do?" Mindy asks.

"Pool later?" Chad suggests, everyone else agrees. You forgot Richie was even in the elevator until you heard him move.

The elevator dings as the doors open. "Well, it was nice to meet you guys." Richie says before quickly walking towards the doors.

"He's weird.." Wes comments.

"Eh." Amber responds. Of course she didn't find him weird.

You all walk outside while talking. It takes you guys a few minutes to find your cars. "Pool at 8?" Chad asks.

"Sounds good." Amber replies while getting into the car. You get in on your side. You see the twins and Wes get into their cars.

Amber pulls out her phone, you look over and see she's on reddit. She pulls up her chat with Richie.

R.Thestabguy: Where are we meeting?

Stablvr03: My house, 261 Turner lane.

R.Thestabguy: Cool, be there in 30.

She puts her phone up then starts to actually drive, "Richie's meeting us at my house."

"Great..." You say. You didn't wanna meet him. You regretted even being tied up in this mess. Amber ignores that and just keeps driving. She didn't even look at you, put her hand on you, or anything.

A/N: Heyyy! I'm so sorry this is short. Writers block is real. I'll try to make the next one longer 😔

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