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Riley POV:

Deaton had come to the school to help the wolfs.

"Hold still , don't fight it! Hold still!" Deaton said as he tried to restrain Aiden while he got the fly out of him. Apparently there was a fly inside of them making them act the way that they did.

Deaton pulled it out of Aiden's throat , leaving him choking in pain. "All done!" He reassured. Aiden then ran away from Deaton , sliding himself on a bench by the lockers. I ran over to him , making sure he was okay.

"Isaac your turn." Deaton turned to Isaac who's eyes where glowing yellow.

"Isaac!" I said , Isaac turned to me and I pointed to my eyes to show him that his were glowing.

"About that is there n-" Isaac was interrupted by Deaton who pulled him into the showers and began to take he fly out of him like he did to Aiden.

Deaton did the same to Isaac that he did to Aiden. When he finished Isaac went over to Alison who took his hand in hers like I did to Aiden.

"Are they okay now?" Alison questioned.

"I hope so but the part that worries me is that this was most likely a distraction for what was going on with Stiles." Deaton began.

"There is really two of them now? How is that even possible?" Kira questioned. I noticed something today , Kira asks a lot of questions but never answers any.

"And how did one just take Lydia?" Alison asked , she was really concerned about Lydia.

"We turned around and they were gone and so was the car." Deaton explained

"So nobody noticed him drag her out of the house?" I asked angrily. I stood up , taking more steps towards Deaton. Aiden took my hand and pulled me back trying to calm me down.

"We were a bit distracted by something materialising out of the floor!" Deaton argued.

"Hold on , how are you so sure which Stiles is which?" Kira asked another question.

"That is what they're trying to figure out now." Deaton explained.


We began to head out of the school , me with Aiden while Alison and Isaac were behind us with Kira and Ethan already gone with Deaton.

"Riley can I talk to you?" Isaac asked from behind us. Alison was walking to her car while Isaac just seemed to be stood still.

I turned to Aiden and handed him my car keys. "You cant ride your bike in a state like that. Go and wait in the car , ill be there in a minute." I smiled to him , handing him my keys. He nodded and kissed me on the cheek before walking to the car. I walked over and sat on the bench by Isaac. "What's up?" I asked.

"So what , are you two together now?" Isaac asked , nodding his head towards Aiden.

"Okay , 2 things. One you could of asked me that in front of him and Alison and two I don't know what we are , I guess I don't know anything I thought I did." I sighed.

"That's not what I wanted to ask you." Isaac admitted.

"Then what? Come on Isaac spit it out." I laughed as I bumped in to him slightly.

"What are you?"

"This is going to sound crazy but all the holes , all the things that didn't make sense about everything with Camden and the bite not taking it all makes sense now. I am a witch." I began to explain as he looked at me.

"Like a real witch? With a broom stick?" He joked.

"No , you see I am a Siphoner witch. The crash that killed my parents gave me power then I met Tai ; he is Camden's father. he figured out what I was and I was drawing power from him at first I could control it. But then I realised I wasn't born a witch so the power isn't natural. The power I get I have to draw from the supernatural that's how I took you three down before but once I have had a little bit I need more and more and I wont stop until I have it. I nearly killed Tai and that's why he made me forget. He didn't know about Camden at the time." I sighed , admitting everything. It hurt me because I knew that I had power to help my friends but I couldn't use it without killing them.

Riley McCall ~ Editing~Where stories live. Discover now