Newt Seizure

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The Gladers arrived at the facility after getting out of the maze and the medical team tended to them. They gave Newt two injections, but unlike the others, one of the chemicals started to react with his body. The injections were designed for immunes, and it was making Newt sick.
"There's always tomorrow. Your time will come," Janson said before he left. The boys turned back to their dinner, but Newt didn't touch his food.
"You're not eating Newt," Thomas said.
"I'm not feeling very well."
"What? They've just checked us all over."
"I know. I only started feeling bad half an hour ago."
"We need to tell someone. You might have caught an infection."
"I'll be ok. It's probably nothing."
"What's going on?" Minho asked them.
"Newt's not feeling very well."
"What? We've just been through medical Newt."
"I know Minho. I'm probably just tired."
"I'm sure they'll let us rest after we've eaten dinner."
"Yeah," Newt agreed and they finished eating.

They were shown to their room and they got into their beds. A few hours passed, but Newt woke up feeling worse than he had been feeling before. He got up and washed his face. He noticed that he was pale and his hands were shaking. Worried, Newt went over to Minho and he woke him up.
"Minho. Minho, wake up."
"Hmn? Newt, what's wrong?"
"I don't feel good. My hands are shaking and my head is... I'm dizzy and I'm struggling to think straight."
"Have you been sick or anything like that?" Minho asked as he got down from the bunk.
"You're pale," Minho told Newt, and he turned the light on.
"Urgh... what is that?"
"Why did you turn the light on?" Everyone asked as they woke up.
"Sit down Newt," Minho said and he led Newt to an empty bunk. Sitting down, Minho felt Newt's forehead and he was burning up. "You've got a fever."
"What's going on?" Thomas asked before he came over to them.
"Newt's getting worse."
"A lot worse Thomas," Newt told him.
"What's wrong?" Frypan asked as he came over to them.
"He's got a fever. He's pale and he's shaking."
"Ok, I'm telling someone. The doctor's need to look at you again Newt."
"My head's spinning. What's wrong with me Minho?" Newt asked him as Thomas went to the door and Frypan knelt in front of him.
"We don't know. But we'll sort it out alright," Minho replied.
"Your heart's beating fast," Frypan said as he started to take Newt's pulse.
"I don't feel good."
"We know."
"What's going on?" A doctor asked as she came in.
"It's Newt. He's burning up, shaking, he's dizzy and he's not with it," Minho explained as the doctor took Newt's pulse and felt his forehead. "He's only getting worse."
"He's definitely got a fever. I'll take him to the medical wing."
"Can I come with him?" Frypan asked.
"You can help to escort him."
"It's alright Newt."
"You'll be ok," Thomas and Minho said as Newt went with the doctor and Frypan went with him.


When Frypan returned, he looked shocked and worried.
"Frypan? How's Newt? Did you get there ok?"
"No, um... Newt collapsed on the way there."
"Yeah. He just fell in the corridor and he started shaking. Several doctors had to come and they got him onto a stretcher before taking him away."
"What do you mean, shaking?"
"It was violent, uncontrollable. Newt passed out and he didn't wake up before they took him away."
"Is he going to be alright?"
"I don't know. The doctors' said that they've seen this happen before."
"Is that good or bad?"
"I don't know."
"Oh Newt."
"Whatever's going on with him, we can't do anything to help."
"I would like to help him Minho."
"So would I. But if they've seen this before, they can sort Newt out. Let's get some rest."
"Ok," Thomas agreed. "Frypan?"
"Come on," Minho said and they all got into their bunk beds. Falling into an uncomfortable sleep, they were all worrying about Newt.


When Newt came round, he was lying down on a bed. He had an IV in his arm and a doctor was analysing something beside him. Newt was being given fluids and he was feeling a lot better.
"What happened to me?" Newt asked, and the doctor turned around.
"You're awake," The doctor said with a smile. "Your body reacted to a vitamin that we gave you. Your body collapsed, but we have been to reverse the effects."
"I was allergic to a vitamin?"
"Yes. Get some more rest and you will be able to return to your friends soon."
"Ok," Newt said before he looked around.
"Get some rest," The doctor told him.
"Yes... thank you," Newt said and he relaxed back.

Three hours later, Newt was escorted to the bunk room and everyone woke up as he came in.
"Newt. You're back," Minho said with a smile.
"Are you ok?"
"We've been really worried about you."
"I'm ok," Newt said and Thomas hugged him. "I'm alright."
"We've been worried sick Newt."
"When you collapsed, you scared me to death."
"What happened when I collapsed? I remember going into the corridor with you Fry, but there's nothing after that."
"We were just walking, then you fell and started shaking. The doctor said it was a seizure."
"A what?"
"I don't know. You were unconscious, and they took you away."
"I'm sorry Fry, but they gave me some medication and I'm alright now. I'm ok," Newt said before he hugged Frypan.
"Are you really feeling alright Newt?" Minho asked as he rested his hand onto Newt's back.
"Yes. I'm tired and my body's a little sore, but I'm ok. Really, I am," Newt said as he turned to Minho.
"Good," Minho said and he embraced Newt. "Don't scare us like that again."
"I'll try not to. I've been unconscious around you enough times."
"Around me and in my arms," Minho said and Newt smiled as he let him go. The door opened and everyone turned to see a guard standing there.
"Breakfast," The guard said and the boys followed him.

"Breakfast," The guard said and the boys followed him

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