Newt Collapses Due To Pain

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They were tending to the crops when Newt felt pain in his leg and he grimaced. He tried to breathe, but he collapsed onto the ground on his side.
"Newt?" Thomas asked, being the first one to notice. "Hey, Newt's collapsed!"
"We need the med-jacks," Someone called and Thomas went to Newt.
"Newt? Can you hear me?" Thomas asked as he knelt beside him. "Newt?"
"He's alright Thomas. He just needs an injection," Alby said as he came running over with Jeff, one of the med-jacks, and most of the gladers.

They knelt beside Newt and Jeff injected something into Newt's left leg.
"Alright Newt, I'm here," Alby told him as Jeff finished.
"What is that?"
"A strong painkiller and muscle relaxant. Newt's got a bad leg, a couple of times a year it seizes up and he collapses."
"What happened to his leg?"
"Newt, it's Alby. You're ok, you just collapsed."
"We've given you an injection, you're doing fine."
"...where am I?"
"You're lying in the vegetable patch."
"Oh," Newt replied with a small smile and Alby smiled back.
"Take it easy, I'm with you."
"Is he ok?"
"He'll be fine in a few minutes."
"Yes, Thomas is here."
"Hey..." Newt said and Thomas crouched down.
"Hey Newt, are you feeling ok?"
"Yeah. I'm ok."
"How's your leg feeling?"
"It's improving."
"Good. Keep coming round Newt."
"Is it his leg?" Minho asked Alby as he returned from the maze.
"How are you feeling Newt?"
"Little dizzy, but better for having you here."
"Do you want me to carry you to the medical tent?"
"No, I'll be... ok."
"He's coming round well and fresh air is good for him."
"Ok. I'll see you in a bit Newt."
"Love you Minho," Newt called as Minho left.
"Are they close? Newt and Minho?" Thomas asked Alby.
"They're very close. Minho found Newt after he was attacked."
"Attacked? What was he attacked by? A griever?"
"Are you talking about my bad leg?" Newt asked as he opened his eyes.
"We are. How are you doing Newt?"
"I'm getting there."
"Do you think you can sit up?"
"Yeah. With some help."
"Ok," Alby said, and he helped Newt to sit up.
"Feeling ok Newt?" Gally asked and Newt nodded.
"Look at me," Jeff said and he checked Newt's eyes and pulse.
"It must have been a bad attack."
"Minho carried him out of the maze after he went missing. He was badly injured and the med-jacks tried to bring him round for 3 days," Gally answered Thomas.
"He was out for that long?"
"On the fourth morning, he woke up. He's never gone into detail about what happened."
"It took me three months before I could walk without a crutch," Newt said and Thomas turned to him.
"He's had a limp ever since the attack. But his head and chest fully healed, so it's just the non-important part that doesn't work, hey Newt?" Jeff said and Newt smiled.
"Come on," Jeff said and both he and Alby helped Newt to stand up and go to the medical hut.
"How long has this been going on for? Newt collapsing?" Thomas asked Gally.
"Over two years. But it's only the fifth time that he's collapsed," Gally said before he left Thomas and followed the others.

That evening, Thomas saw Newt and Minho talking. Minho was being gentle and kind to Newt, and their conversation ended with a hug.
"You know that you scare us all when this happens," Minho said as Thomas walked closer to them.
"I know."
"Take care of yourself and any pain that you have, you can talk to me."
"I know, thanks Minho."
"Alright, get some food," Minho said and he left Newt to it.

""Alright, get some food," Minho said and he left Newt to it

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