31: The Letter

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A/N: This chapter is shorter than the other chapters, due to the content within. I did contemplate including this as a bonus chapter at the end of the story, but it makes more sense to include it here.

Nilea delayed the task of unfolding the papyrus and reading its content for several hours. As soon as she received it, she inhaled its scent and enjoyed the way it smelt of her father, rather than of her former love. The thought of him had put her off from reading the message, so, she hid it in her dress and forgot about it. The princess enjoyed a hearty meal with her family, and the visiting members of the royal court, before retiring to her room. When she believed she would rest, her brothers, as promised, appeared at her door and joined her. Their partners accompanied them and greeted the princess.

Before she knew it, the sky was nothing but black and dawn would soon be upon them. Exhausted, Nilea threw her family out of her room and sent them to their own bedchambers. One conversation led to another, and they ended up spending too many hours in each other's company, making up for lost time.

But now that she was on her own, she suddenly was rejuvenated with energy that she presumed she lost earlier during the day. She had plenty of time to read the letter she had been avoiding for hours now. Determined, and yet frightened, she unfolded the papyrus and stared at the ink inside it. Without even reading a single line of his writing, she failed to hold back her tears, especially as the inside of the papyrus smelt of him. Memories of him returned to her mind, despite her efforts to push them away.

Hesitating, she began to read the words he scribbled for her, as slowly as she could. And after she read it once, she read it over and over again, committing the words to memory. Whatever she reminisced of him had been reduced to a single letter that bid her farewell as softly as he could. She could hear his voice utter each word, and could picture the way his lips would move to push out each syllable. And it hurt her to know that that was all that he would leave behind for her to have, that she could not have more of him outside of the letter and the memories.

Hours went by when she looked up and stared out of the architecture and set her eyes upon the sight of Egypt. The white sand settled on the ground, the taste of it's fever settling on the princess' tongue, as the light wind blew it in a dance. But each grain melted quickly in her mouth as the muscle of her tongue wrapped around it. The sun painted the earth golden as it rose slowly, from behind the pyramids.

This was her last sunrise with him, even if he would only witness it through her eyes. And then the wind would blow his ghostly shadow away too, robbing her of him for the rest of eternity.

Dearest Princess,

By the time you read this, I will most definitely be in Olympus. After my efforts in the war, Zeus has determined me worthy and has welcomed my return amongst the Olympians. Raina and I have returned to our roles as their deities.

That is perhaps the most terrible way to start a letter that is addressed to someone you love, and for that, I apologise. But I thought it would be best to explain my absence upon your return, if you are ever going to return to Egypt. I sincerely hope you do, your family misses you. And I miss you.

I loved you, still do. I believe our paths were always meant to cross, we were destined to meet and fall in love with one another. But it is clear now that we are not each other's destinies. We had our fun and our love, stumbling through life together, and tumbling in the sheets together. However, that must come to an end now, even if we still love each other. We belong to different worlds, always have. And maybe we can blame it on our youthfulness. I hated you when you first broke us apart, I could not tolerate the heartbreak. I was selfish to think you were not hurt for it too. I saw the pain in your eyes when you had to take my life. It made me realise now that it was a wise decision, you parting from me. We never would have lasted, the fates would not have allowed it. And one way of another, you were born to rule in a world that was not ready to welcome me, and may never welcome me.

No matter what becomes of our love, I will always be you greatest ally and friend... and I extend the kindness to your family as well. And awkwardly, that includes Amun as well. He has taken up the role as the wealthiest and most powerful member in court, that is not royal. I know he always had that reputation, but now it considered far more valuable. There is a friendship between us, thanks to you. It was awkward at first, after we returned to Egypt without you, to meet him. But he saved my life on the battlefield and was ready to live without you. He was brave about it, but I know he was hiding a broken and hurting heart. He misses you too, and he is too afraid to tell anyone about you, aside from me.

Come to Olympus whenever you can. Everyone awaits for words of your whereabouts. I believe Hades grew fond of you over your short visit to the Underworld. And Zeus is eager to meet you as a ruler of your own accord. I am most certain he wants to fully understand your role amongst the Celestials, and the authority you command with your new title.

I did not tell you then, but I knew you would not be part of my future as intimately as you believed we would when you killed me then. You said you saw a vision of a baby girl, one that belongs to you. And you must know, I am not part of that future you witnessed. Your sovereign told us of our fates, he offered us no decision, just merely showed us what our past, present and future would be like. The fates had promised me sons to carry on my legacy - only sons, no daughters.

Since you told me, I knew to make the decision for you, which is why I helped you take my life. Your future is not in my hands, and it has always been your destiny to rule, no matter what realm you chose to be a part of.

I sometimes wish we were destined to be together for the rest of our lives, but it seems we will merely be each other's first loves. But on the days I do not think of you, I feel myself becoming more open to the thought of loving another. Eventually, my heart will call out another name, rather than yours. And when it does, I hope you will be ready to let go of me, by which time I will no longer be holding on to you. And you deserve to know, I release you from any sense of commitment and loyalty you feel towards me, that is not political. You may love whomsoever you please - and I know Amun wishes the same for you as well. You deserve to be happy, even if we are not the ones granting you that happiness.

And if there already is someone you have set your eyes upon, do not feel guilty for it. Celebrate it and let yourself fall in love with them.

I will always love you, princess.

Yours truly,

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