9: It's a Wonder

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"It's a wonder father has spared you any lectures for what you did in our absence," Imset scowled when Hapi entered the small council room. He was glaring at his brother, who seemed far too content with not being held accountable for his actions. That was until the young man's face dropped at the realisation that the king would deal with him.

"How is Ihy looking?" Hapi asked, ignoring his brother's statement. The younger prince settle on a chair and could not prevent his leg from shaking as he held his hands together. He was trying his best to look put together.

Ihy sighed, rubbing his forehead, "I have no idea. He spent all morning with father."

Qebehsenuef leaned back in his chair, "Father has been distracted from hearing of the news. I did my best to make sure he would not hear it. Nilea was charged with the chore of distracting mother and keeping the servants from informing her. However, that was a favour we intended to do until His Majesty's return. And now that he is here, it is only a matter of time until our parents hear it and decide to bury you."

"That will only happen if the king has not already beaten them to it," Duamutef smirked as he entered the room.

The princess followed behind him, smiling cruelly, "Which is soon, because I just found out that father and mother know of your affairs. I think Ihy is holding them back so he could deal with you first and sentence you to some form of punishment... for disrupting the peace in his kingdom."

"I had my reasons. And the lady will stand by them and proclaim them as the truth," Hapi replied.

Ihy's voice boomed through the room, surprising his younger siblings as he entered the room, "I hope so. Otherwise, I will have to abandon you to your own fate."

Hapi frowned. And Ihy scowled. He spoke with authority and a loud voice, "You are a fool, brother! Why did you bed a girl of noble birth, who was betrothed to another man?"

"I'd prefer we discuss this in private," Hapi suggested, suddenly seeming child-like in the presence of his angry, older brother.

"How much more private do you want it? You have lost that honour. The damned palace servants speak of your scandal as though it were concerns of politics!" Ihy stood on the edge of the table. His rage summoned the remainder of his siblings to gather around the table, as though to show respect to the enraged king by physically being near, rather than lazing on chairs around him.

No one spoke, instead, the royals put their heads down and avoided making eye contact with Ihy.

Still furious, but doing his best to contain his rage, Ihy demanded, "Explain yourself, Hapi."

"She asked me to find her a way out of her betrothal to her fiancé, taking her virtue ensured that. He is not a man she wants, he is known for hurting women, and she wanted to be saved from him," he explained.

Ihy rubbed his head, "Do you know of how many men in this world are dangerous with their wives?"

When no answer was given, he answered his own question, "Too many men, Hapi. You cannot save each and every one of them from their fates just because they laugh at your jokes and entertain you all night long. Especially not if they are betrothed to someone else, or of noble birth. You cannot be that foolish, but apparently I thought too highly of you."

Hapi looked up at Ihy and frowned, "I could not leave her to him. If you were there, you would have been as helpless as me and done exactly what I did."

Ihy's temper rose once more, "Then it is a good damned thing that I was not there! Do you know what you have done? The trouble you have caused? Not just for the girl you wanted to save from her terrible fate, but also within our own court? Do you know how you have tarnished our reputation and ruined our name? You have corrupted my reign before it could even start!"

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