Chapter - 4 (iv)

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"Are you going somewhere?" He could sense the sadness in your voice and shook his head. "No, we are going somewhere." Your face turned pale. You didn't leave the house after returning. Heck to that, you didn't even go to the garden, cause now the outer world seemed scary to you.

"I- no..." Your voice was almost inaudible but enough for him to hear as he held your cheeks and caressed them. "No no sweetheart, don't be scared. I'll be with you hmm? Nothing will happen to you okay?" You shook your head almost on the verge of tears and it took him a while to convince you and after that, you reluctantly gave in.

He was waiting for you downstairs. He turned his head as soon as he heard the sound of your sandals and stared at your figure walking downstairs. You were wearing a simple peach colored dress with full sleeves which reached till your knees. He noticed how you didn't wear any accessory or jewelry. Your hair was falling on your back and you had just applied your lip balm, that's it.

He understood your state and didn't question you, just simply approached you and held your hands. "You look beautiful." You pulled a small smile on your face to not hurt his feelings, but he immediately recognised your fake smile. Nevertheless, he smiled back at you and led you to his car.

Your hands were intertwined the entire time on your way to the destination as he denied leaving your hand. You didn't argue and let him do whatever he wanted to. Soon, he parked his car and that's when you came out of your thoughts. He quickly went out and then opened the car door for you. He held your hands and helped you to get down. Locking the car, he stood behind you and placed his palms over your eyes, blocking your eyesight.

"Tae-" "It's a surprise." He whispered as you didn't say anything further. He guided you towards whatever his surprise was. "Here we go..." He removed his hands and you blinked a few times to adjust your vision. But the things you saw in front of your eyes left you overwhelmed.

Candles lit up the path to a romantic and beautifully arranged area with a table and two chairs which were again decorated with petals of red roses. There were water candles and lanterns all around, illuminating the place with a yellow hue. Fairy lights were hung around and tiny moons and stars were attached to them. You slowly walked towards the decorations and delicately traced them. The set up looked so pretty.

"For me?..." You mumbled as you looked at him, and he had a smile on his face. "Everything, just for you."

"I don't deserve this." You bluntly replied and his smile faded which got replaced by a frown. "What do you mean Y/n?" You shook your head as you took a few steps back. "I don't d-deserve all this-" He cut you off. "Why do you think so?"

And it was the end of your patience as you finally burst out. "BECAUSE I'M DIRTY!! HE TOUCHED ME AND I FEEL DISGUSTED! I'M INSECURE AND I FEEL LIKE I'M A BURDEN ON YOU! I DON'T DESERVE ALL THESE GOOD THINGS!! I C-CAN'T..." You couldn't continue as you broke into loud sobs as Taehyung quickly approached you and hugged you tightly.

You cried in his embrace and he held you closer to himself. "No sweetheart, you aren't a burden on me. You aren't dirty. You're pure and innocent, just like my old Y/n. You deserve all the good things, all the happiness, every beautiful thing. I'm so sorry..." He tried to console you and felt his own eyes getting teary. He never knew you were thinking about such things all this time. Never had he considered you as a burden, nor he ever will. "I was so s-scared that d-day Taehyung... I can't... f-forget that..." You were choking on your tears which was breaking his heart.

"I t-tried to p-push him but m-my hand was h-hurting... He s-scared me so m-much... I s-screamed for h-help... I b-begged him to l-leave m-me but he didn't l-listen..." He rubbed your back to help you breathe. "Shhh... I'm sorry sweetheart, this will never happen again I promise. I'll keep you safe, I'll protect you, please stop crying now."

It took you a while to calm down. None of you spoke as you were admiring the silence while he was admiring you. "Thank you..." You suddenly broke the silence as your question made him frown. "For what sweetheart?"

"For saving me that night. For taking care of me. For everything to be honest..." He broke the hug and made you look at him in his eyes. "You're my gem sweetheart, the jewel I want to treasure and protect from the world. You're so precious to me that all I want is to always see you happy and safe and sound in front of my eyes. Don't let anyone break you, and if you're broken, please let me fix you, cause I hate it when you cry."

You let out a smile, and this time, it wasn't forced, it wasn't fake. It was a genuine smile and he was more than glad to see you smiling after so long.

He was so engrossed in watching your smile that he didn't realize when he started to stare at your lips. You noticed his stare and looked him in the eye. He stared back at you and slowly placed his hand on your cheek. He pulled you closer by your waist as you slowly wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him a bit down. He gently caressed your waist and you closed your eyes.

And soon you felt his lips on yours. Your first kiss.

He kissed you ever so tenderly so as to not make you uncomfortable in any way. You felt millions of butterflies in your stomach and the stars in his heart started to twinkle in happiness. You slowly kissed him back. Your lips were moving in sync and you both took your time to completely melt into the kiss. The kiss wasn't lustful, it was full of trust and care that you both had for each other.

You slowly pulled back and looked up to find him already staring at you. His lips were glowing in the candlelight and his eyes were shining. You looked away with your blushed cheeks, making him chuckle. "Aww, is my sweetheart shy?" His deep voice made you blush even more as you buried your face in his chest to hide the embarrassment. He laughed seeing this side of yours and internally felt the happiest in the world. He was glad that he could help you overcome your fear, and now he knows that you trust him more than anyone ever did. Now everything was going to be alright.

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