25. Quit or Fix? Why Not Both?

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Though unsurprised at the first half of Wooyoung's revelation, an apprehensive brow raised at the second.

 "See, our little Yeosang was the purest critter you could ever meet until the Nakamoto's came to ruin his life. They crushed his soul in different ways..."

Jongho could taste acrid resentment in the man's narration as it proceeded.

 "At first, it was a swish of spring breeze. The marriage was a bit rushed but sweet and romantic and all that shit 'cause they were happily in love since last year of uni...

Before I knew it, that sister would do herself in in a river barely a month after having his baby. She didn't even leave a note so we only found out when the police contacted us. Shit went downhill from there for our Sangie, of course."

Fully absorbed in the recount of the mystery, Jongho ignored all vulgarity in the older male's language paired with his descriptive - somewhat excessive even - hand gestures.

 "Poor boy kept blaming himself even though I repeatedly told him not to since no one knew why she woke up one day and decided that. While the older brother jerk did nothing except pouring oil over his fire."

For his inner peace, Wooyoung did not disclose exactly how. He'd not rather be reminded again of the brawl he had with that asshole in front of his mourning friend in the funeral hall.

 "Nowadays, Yeosang may look normal and well-functioning after years of therapy, but his wounds are only one trigger away from being ripped open again, and yesterday was an unwelcome example of that."


Jongho finally came close to grasping the meaning behind the abyss in those eyes. They were quietly, but direly, seeking any form or comfort, or escape even, from how much they've seen and suffered.

A tiny fraction of him was not that glad, however, to have not achieved it by his own means.

 "Man~ You should be thanking Jiu actually. 'Cause if it weren't for her, you would never have the chance to know a Kang Yeosang in your life."

 Jongho mirrored the dancer's humorless chuckle. "I'm indeed thankful that you shared this - it must've been a difficult decision to trust someone with private knowledge, especially of one's friend. Which is why I wanted to ask... Why me?"

 This time, the earnest smile resembled more of a benevolent elf than a gremlin. "I know when I see one, son. Besides, why not get comfortable since you and us will be seeing each other more often~"

Jongho hummed in response before Wooyoung added:

 "At least my guts tell me so."

Jongho acknowledged it with a faint smile the same line used over and over by his intuitive model friend.

 Soulmates, indeed.

 Wooyoung got up and shrugged with his arms folded in a nonchalant manner too far from his seriousness. "Anyway, I'm not supposed to restrict your right to visit him but I suggest that you give him some time. Knowing my boy, he's probably in the middle of reflecting and cringing by now."

 "Yea, I understand. I'll adhere to that. Thanks."

 The dancer's resting face broke into a friendly grin as he rose from his seat to reach out his fist. "Glad to have you on our team of 'Protect our Precious Yeosang'. We're good mates from now on."

Jongho's face almost turned tragicomic hearing the name that sounded almost as if Yeosang were an endangered species. His imagination stunned him for a second.

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