19. Bad Choices One Could Make

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"Unveil" Arc



Since Taehyun had pushed his limits to navigate to the hospital with the coordination as good as a crippled walking dead, a micro-glance at his direction would be enough for a passerby to presume that this drunk lad with a necktie hanging askew must've had a tough night at his hwesik.

Albeit the farthest from the truth, Taehyun was more than willing to let it go since the last thing he wanted to deal with at the moment was arguing with someone.

 Ironic, innit?

Because he just got into one.

A part of him wished the remnants of alcohol didn't leave his system in the first place if he knew that as soon as he came, he'd have to engage in a verbal clash with Yeosang. Then he could brush off all the inconsiderate remarks he aimed at his brother in the heat of the moment as unconscious mistakes.

The more he looked at the peacefully sleeping neice on the bed, the more he seethed that he could likely explode.

 "God, what the hell was he thinking?"

Inviting the storm again that once left behind nothing but ruins haunted by the ghosts held responsible for numerous sleepless nights was positively, for the lack of better word, catering a death wish for one's crumbling mental health.

Yeosang must've thought his life was lacking some spice. Or that his immune system had applied the same rate as in any other body parts in healing his intangible wounds, thereby welcoming the said storm with open arms....

...yeah, pretty much the exact wording Taehyun used on Yeosang amid their dispute.

 "At least not until Jiu's out of here!"

Traces of bitterness were left on every inch of him whenever he challenged himself to imagine the worst case scenario, where everything would go back to square one, and his whole 69 inches of bitterness could easily secure an entire week of insomnia.

[*Mind you, bro is only 177 cm here]

That appalling man whom they would come face to face in a few days, was and would always be, without a doubt, the surging tide to swallow everything down comprising Yeosang if he made one wrong move.

Unless Wooyoung's able to stick around 24/7 – which Taehyun believed to be impossible since the loud male had his own life to take care of – Yeosang would be as good as a candle left in the wind when that jerk began to run his mouth wild and tear him apart.

Taehyun himself also couldn't afford to call in sick all the time — he can't risk lubricating those quibbling gears of you-know-who. Though, he was not even remotely convinced, because several past instances had taught him not to be, that Yeosang had any clue on any judgement he's made his whole life. And he's reassured every day that Yeosang's bad decisions will be the designated cause of his unripened death.

 With what faith did he think about putting up with that psycho??


Taehyun whipped his tie off and loosened the top buttons on his shirt as he lied down on the bench across the bed. Doing so, his hands met an unfamiliar void instead of a smooth texture of the ribbon band.

In confusion, he sat up again and started patting all over his shirt, then his pants, and then his blazer.

 "What the-- Did I drop it somewhere?"

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