~Meeting the turtles~

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Key words:

N/n: Nick/name

Y/h/l: Your/hair/length

Y/h/c: Your/hair/color

Y/h: Your/height

F/c: Fav/color

Y/n l/n; Your/name and last/name

Let's get this party started now. Shall we ;)

Your Pov

Hi, the names Y/n l/n. I am a half wolf yokai. Only because my mother was a wolf yokai, and my father was human. I didn't even know that yokai and humans can even have babies together! But that was a long time ago.

Okay back to me, I have Y/h/l Y/h/c and my favorite color is F/c. I'm about Y/h, and I have to use a cloaking brooch to make sure humans don't notice me sneaking around. 

this is the cloaking brooch</3

The wolf on my cloaking brooch reminded me of my mother

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The wolf on my cloaking brooch reminded me of my mother. She was a white wolf yokai, she was very elegant and beautiful. She had beautiful white hair, ears and tail. She was also caring, calm and patient. 

The more I grew up, the weaker she had gotten. Once I was 15, she couldn't even stand up anymore, which made me and my father worried. Two years later she had died on my birthday.
Every year on my birthday it reminded me of her. So, I stopped having birthdays. My father was still the same. Well, tried to be atleast.

"Hey? You there N/n?" father then comes in seeing my crying figure. He then comes over to me and speaks. "Hey. It's okay." He said holding me for comfort. "I w-want mama back *Sniffle*" I say to my father not caring that I was 17 but caring about my now dead mother, and my father who was holding me, trying to comfort my crying figure. "I know, I know. I miss your mother too." My father says hugging me. I hated that we had to go to Mothers funeral. I hurt seeing her. She didn't even look like her. 

She looked pale, out of place and her face wasn't calm and comforting like how it always was. It was like she was in an emotionless sleep. I started crying on the spot because of how she looked. I didn't care who was watching. I only cared about my mother. She was like a beautiful swan that flied freely. But she just had to be shot down by some hunters. 

She was my everything. 

and I know that father tried the best he could to stay strong for me. But I could still hear him crying in the middle of the night. It broke my heart to see father as broken as I was after losing mother. Father was a bodyguard for this guy Lou Jitsu that was my age. And meh, not going to lie but. He was kind of annoying. And stubborn. Yeesh he even tried flirting with me one time. 

"Hey~" Lou jitsu says to me in a flirty way. "What do you want Lou." I said clearly annoyed "Hey! all I want to say is that I scratched my knee~" he says in a flirty voice. "Doing what Lou?" I said looking at him with annoyance. "Falling for you~" I then groaned at him in annoyance by his antics. "Oh c'mon~ I know you love me~" I then mumble under my breath, so he doesn't hear it. "Why the hell would I date someone who has as bad hairline as you..." I said to which he responded with "What was that~?" He said in a flirty but interested tone. "Nothing." I said to him as I watch him walk away to do another shoot for his thousandth movie. 

I then snap back into reality when I bump into someone. I looked closer to see it was... Lou Jitsu? What is he doing here? He went missing weeks, maybe even months ago! I see as he runs past me, he looks... Different? Meh, who was I to judge. I thought as he sped past me. I then turn into an alleyway that leads to my house. But there was something in the alleyway this time... A box? 

Well, boxes get left all over the city. But this one has noises coming from it... I then look in to the box to see....

Baby Turtle yokai?!

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2023 ⏰

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