"Serkan we have to talk about Eda, you're miserable without her."

He shook his head, "What can I do anne? Nothing is going to change the fact that my father was involved in the death of her parents. Every time she looks at me she's going to associate me with their death. It's better to let Eda go, she'll find someone else. She's already working with Efe and he's all over her so it's just a matter of time."

"Oh Serkan you know that isn't true, Eda loves you."

Serkan continued to shake his head, "Anne let's talk about you. You went outside."

"I did, Eda took me. That girl is something else."

"Would you like to try now with me? I would hold your hand and walk with you," Serkan stepped off the pool ledge and held his hand out to his mother. Aydan put her hand in his willing to try.

Serkan held her hands tightly in his and willed her to be able to step outside but as much as he wished it he couldn't get her to move. He pulled her into a tight hug, "It's okay anne, maybe now you're ready to try therapy again." Aydan nodded, she would try.

Aydan did try but the therapy just wasn't working until her therapist suggested that she call Eda and ask for her help. She hesitated but she knew that she needed the help, Aydan dialed, "Eda?"

"Aydan hanim what can I do for you?" it still hurt to talk to her. Anything related to Serkan hurt. Watching him every day hurt. It wasn't like she could flip a switch and stop loving him and she knew that he still loved her she would catch him watching her and their eyes would meet both sets reflected the same pain.

"Eda I've started therapy again and the psychologist thinks that it might be beneficial for me to talk to you since I've only been successful in leaving the house with you."

That made Eda a bit sad, "Have you tried with no one else?"

"I did, I tried with Serkan. He was so patient but I couldn't Eda. Something about you made it work. I understand if it's too much to see me. I shouldn't have called you. I'm sorry," Aydan started to hang up.

"Wait Aydan hanim, I promised you that I would hold your hand when you were ready. I'll come and talk to you. This is a promise that I made to you and no one else."

Eda was leaving early for class so she decided to stop and see Aydan first. Serkan watched her every move. It was torture to have her so close and not be able to touch her. They had driven out to a job site today and he did his best to keep his distance emotionally and physically but the pain was always there. He watched her leave thinking that maybe he could work but instead of working he stared at her empty space.

Aydan was sitting down by the river when Eda came, "Eda you came. Thank you so much."

"A promise is a promise Aydan hanim. At least it is when I make it. I can't say the same for others."

Aydan closed her eyes as Eda said that, she knew she was referring to Serkan, she had to do something to help these two, "Thank you Eda. It means so very much to me."

Eda and Aydan talked over tea for another hour before Eda needed to leave to go get ready for class. "I have to go for now but tomorrow I want to bring something special for you okay?"

Aydan smiled at her, "Are you going to tell me what it is?"

She smiled back at her, "No, it's a surprise but I think that you'll like it," Eda picked up her purse not realizing that her keys had dropped.

Almost to her car Eda came face to face with Serkan, she put her head down and ignored him, "Eda?"

"What Serkan? What else do you have to say to me? Did you forget some other hateful thing? Another promise made that should be broken? Oh wait I forgot, you already broke your promises to me. So what do you want?"

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