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Verity reached the clearing just before noon.

It was right on the edge of the island; at the far side of it, cliffs fell away into the sea, and the cold wind hissed up, edged and uncaring. Around the rest of it, the grey trees formed a sharp circle, three hundred yards wide. At the centre of it was a puncture in the ground, a wound in the living rock. There were no plants or undergrowth within the clearing, although clusters of mushrooms sprouted everywhere, long white roots snaking from them, making a pale tangle on the black ground. Scattered across the clearing were rocks, smashed into fragments from their fall from the sky, rich seams of gold exposed. Huge black flies, with glittering wings and jagged legs, crawled over everything; they leapt up and flew away from Verity as soon as she stepped out of the forest. Mushrooms popped when she trod on them, showering her with tiny spores. Everything stank of decay, despite the ocean wind, and Verity drew her shawl up over her mouth to block the stench.

There was a familiar bubbling whisper, and slimy cords burst from the ground. Gull emerged at the edge of the pit: white mask, grey skin, and all. This time, though, he was shaped as a king, his flesh forming a wet, ashen crown. He laughed, showing his two rows of sharp teeth.

'Verity! Father Hooper! Good people of Hod! It's so nice of you to come and see us for a change! Hope, welcome back! I trust everything has been to your satisfaction? You know, all you had to do was persuade your husband of our price, and that would have been it. You never even heard me out that time I came visiting.'

Behind him a rock crashed into the sea. It showered them all with spray.

Father Hooper closed his eyes. Fortified, he held up his icon, and strode into the clearing, towards the pit and demon.

'Back, creature! Back to the pit you came from.'

'No, Father, I don't think so,' said Gull. He waved his hand, and the white mushroom roots writhed from the ground and snagged the priest's feet, tripping him so that he fell; more curled up around his hands.

'This is as much my realm as it is yours. Your toddler gods aren't permitted here. Either be polite, or be silent,' said Gull.

The roots ran up Father Hooper's arms, stark against his black priest's robes. Verity ran over to him, and pulled at them; for every one that fell away, three more snaked around him, blindly probing upwards.

'Help me!' she shouted; and some of the villages ran too, Patience the first amongst them. Together, they tore the priest from the ground, and dragged him, back into the forest. As soon as he crossed the threshold, the little threads fell away.

'Oh,' gasped the priest.

The interlocking pair of iron circles, the symbol of the Twin God Brothers, remained on the ground in the clearing, left where it had fallen.

Father Hooper lurched for it. 'I must...' but Verity and Patience held him back, and he slumped down, defeated.

'I suppose that will have to do, Father,' remarked Gull. 'Verity, you're the grown-up here. I think it's time the adults had a conversation, don't you? Come. I won't harm you. You have my word.' He strolled through the clearing, towards them. The flies buzzed up and settled on him in their hundreds, forming a shifting robe of black.

'I know what your word is worth, demon,' said Hope.

'And Hope, we both know what your word is worth,' replied Gull, smiling inhumanly, showing all his teeth. 'Two of a kind, aren't we?'

'What do you want, Gull?' asked Verity. 'You left us alone for a long time. Why won't you now?'

'I was promised a price, Verity. Did Hope tell you her story? About how I came one night, and took her husband? I imagine she only told you that little tale after she failed to throw you to my hungry friends. Yes, I thought so. And did she tell you what the price was?'

Devils on Starfall IsleWhere stories live. Discover now