✧*̥˚ Chapter 1 *̥˚✧

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Short A/N

Hii, this is the first chapter so here goes (°∀°)

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~Present Time~


I don't get what people see in life, everyday is just a boring day where you wake up, shower, eat, go to school and go home, shower, eat and sleep and it goes on and on. What's that 'something' that makes life so special? Is it just my boring life or what?

Suddenly, I felt a rather constant tap on my shoulder, it was Akari my best friend. She and I were friends since 5th grade (Y/n is now in 9th grade). "God, Y/N are you daydreaming again? In class?" Akari grumbled. 

"Umm am not"

"Oh yes you are, I called out your name like 3 times and you were still staring at the classroom window."

"Uh well its not my fault Ms. Herta's class is boring as hell, speaking of which - where is she right now?"

"Oh you didn't hear? Ms, Herta took Axel to the principal's office for the 2nd time this week, guess what he did this time." Akari told me with a smug smile.

Axel was considered the school troublemaker, he painted lockers, pulled pranks on teachers, talk loudly in class and most of the time - bullied students. He was a real pain; but I knew his deep secret, he had a crush on one of the senior girls but of course he would never admit it. 

I don't quite remember her name but she had hip length bubblegum pink hair tied into a low ponytail, glossy dark pink eyes and perfect fair skin. If she had brown hair, I'm pretty sure the whole school would call her a 'porcelain doll'. I wasn't planning on leaking it though, I'm not 'that' type of person.

"Uhh he left gum in the teachers seat?" I replied

Akari giggled "Nope, he placed a rat in her drawer and the whole class burst out laughing."

Well thats a new one..

Soon after the bell rang, Ms. Herta and the other students left the class, leaving me and Akari in the classroom. Akari made sure no one was in sight or close to the classroom then she told me, "Hey wanna walk home together? Im staying over at a friend's house today and it's close to your house." I replied with a smile "Sure why not." We packed our bags and left school. 

~On the way home~

3rd Person POV:

"Hey, Y/N why are you always talking about how boring your life is, I'm sure it can't be that bad.." Akari asked, trying to dig up some answers.

Y/N sighed, "No adventure, No travelling, No boyfriend, parents are always busy and more." while pointing out a finger each reason. (Ik the common age to have a Boyfriend is 16 but just pretend 👹👹)

"Oh, what if I told you that I could turn your life upside down and make it interesting."

They both stopped walking in the back of the streets.

"Oh please, what are you gonna do? Make me join a gang?-"

Y/N was interrupted by Akari knocking her out.


I suddenly blacked out and everything went black.

~Few hours later~


W-where am I? Urghh I feel dizzy, I woke up in a worn out bed and saw a blue haired umm- girl? Boy? Sitting on a couch, looking at him/her phone. My hands were tied up and I really confused. I tried remembering what happened. Hmm..so I was walking home with Akari and I blacked out? Wait so does that mean Akari knocked me out? No it couldn't be-

I took a deep breath quietly, making sure the blue haired person didn't notice. I looked at the room with my eyes almost closed (but can see). It looked like a 'normal' bedroom so far, nothing shady. 

Should I act like i just woken up? But I don't know what he/she is gonna do. Deep in my thoughts, I was startled by a voice,

"I know you are awake so stop pretending." The blue haired person said. I sat up from my bed and asked "Who are you and where am I?" 

"I'm Rimuru Tempest, head of The Tempest Federation. You are in our main base." Rimuru mentioned.

"I'm Y/N L/N-" before I could finish my sentence I was dragged into the 'main room'. Geez since when was I an object that can be pulled freely. 

In the main room, I saw several people. Near the stairs, there was a female with lilac hair tied into a high ponytail, she had curtain bangs and big breasts. The other one..wait, isnt that the senior girl from my school whom Axel liked? Sitting on the table were two males with colored hair; red and blue. Well the red haired guy did seem familiar. Finally, in the edge of the room, I saw a pink haired girl with her hair tied into pigtails and..Akari. Was she part of whatever this is too?

Rimuru clapped his hands twice and signaled them all to come. "Guys, this is Y/N, please introduce yourselves to her."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Shuna"

"I'm Shion!"


"I'm Benimaru"

"Hii I am Milim Nava"

"You already know who I am Y/N" Akari spoke with a closed-eye smile. I glared at her. Why was she acting like she didn't do anything? Helloo? You knocked out your own best friend.

"I'll skip right onto the point. Tempest Federation is an international spy establishment and we want you to join us as an agent." Rimuru confidently announced.

"I-I need time to think about all of this, it's a lot to take in."

"Sure take your time."

~Some time later in Y/N's previous room~


Tempest Federation eh? This all sounded too dangerous and sounded like some serious stuff, I'm not sure I'm up for this. Should I just decline their offer and get back to being boring me? I didn't want that but well, safety comes first right? I was interrupted by an abrupt knock on the door. Annoyingly, I opened it to see Akari. What did she want?

"Hey Y/N, I came to check up on you."

"Check up on me? You practically knocked me out and my parents are probably worried sick about me. Now you all are just offering me a place as agent out of the blue?" I yelled at Akari. Of course I lied about my parents being worried, they probably didn't even notice I was gone because they were too busy with work and whatsoever.

"First of all, I'm sorry I knocked you out but I didn't want to, but because no one from outside can know where this place is. Secondly, this is a chance to make your life exciting. Imagine, being a secret agent who helps with international missions and operations." Akari implied while sitting next to me in the bed.

I thought about it deeply and I wanted to join but there are many risked to this. I could get caught, my parents could find out or what if I was kidnapped? Wait they did say that they guaranteed my safety. So after a while, I finally spoke,

"I've made my decision, I choose to...


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Akari was still waiting for u lol, anyways I went really slow with chapter 1. Hope u guys liked it. I'm gonna work on chapter 2 and probably post tmr. 

Byebyee <3

Mafia in the Moonlight (Tensura Modern Au)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें