Bhrata was about to do the same to the other man too.

"Bheem stop this nonsense....get up and call your friend Malla, Parichalak " Yudhi bhrata said to the man who already laid down before bhrata Bheem could do the same to him. The other man named Malla came and bhrata Bheem asked something to him, God knows what because I seriously am NOT in the mood nor am that energized to listen to them and their stupid talk today. 

When we reached the stairs we were greeted by some actually MANY kids same as our age marching in a to and fro motion as if trying to stop us from entering the Palace. SERIOUSLY, WHY DON'T Y'ALL UNDERSTAND THAT I AM TIRED AND NEED SOME TIME TO SLEEP. I breathed deep breaths closing my eyes as I was SOOO annoyed and frustrated that I could lash out anytime soon. All of them stopped dead in their tracks and someone, I assume their leader came and stood in front of them and started speaking some nonsense and laughed which I did not even bother to listen to and leaned on the nearest thing closing my eyes, which turned out to be a pillar.

"Their father were the king of forests....he used to rule over the birds and animals of the jungle" Someone spoke......WHAT THE HELL???.

"Ya ya sure, it definitely was better than being near humans or I could say someone who is YOU" I replied glaring angrily at them which caused them to flinch back. WOAH, was I that scary.

"Speak any and every nonsense you wish BUT don't you dare speak anything foul about my father, mother and my brothers.....I hope your are capable enough to understand what I mean" I looked up at them as calmly as possible and threw them the most sweet and sarcastic smile I could muster up (IDK If this is even possible) and stormed of from there. Strangely, all of them made a way for me to walk past them. 

Third person POV~~~~

Everyone, especially her brothers were the most to get shocked at their sister's behavior. Mahamahim had just entered the scene and was shocked to see the 'Oh so arrogant' Kauravs make a way for the little girl that too looking  frightened by her. Vidur was silently observing the kids from the start and was also shocked to see that someone, that too a little girl was able to somehow frighten Duryodhan and his brothers. To be honest, he too was scared a little hearing the calm voice of the little girl that held so much power and confidence that he too wasn't able to muster up in  all these years of his life.

Ishaa was soo pissed off that she was walking trying to control her anger that she failed to notice that someone was running her way and bumped with them. 

"I am soo sorry, I was not paying attention" She said helping the person up whom she bumped with which turned out to actually be her little sister. 

"I am sorry too" She said sweetly that strangely vanished all of Ishaa's anger.

"Umm, Who are you?" Ishaa asked picking up a doll that she figured out was hers and giving it to the little girl.

"I am Dushala, daughter of my mata, maa must be kakishree's daughter, right?"

"Yes, I am" Ishaa replied smiling.

"Are you looking for your room, jiji?" 

"Well kind of"

"Huh?" Dushala looked up scratching her temple clearly confused.

"Umm I mean, yes I am, Dushala" 

"Let me show you" Dushala said grabbing her jiji's hand.

"Ishuuuu/Jijiiii" Ishaa turned around detecting her brothers' voice.

"Hmm" She hummed in response.

"Where are you going?! " Arjun asked followed by Nakul asking "Who is this little girl?!"

A Blossom of Hope: Aayanshi [UNDER MAJOR EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now