Chapter 1:The Prissy Princess

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~Koros Pov~

To die by human combustion, its the worst death known to man. Feeling your skin slowly burn off and you can do nothing but scream as your mind is torn apart through the pain. After your spirit has died your body stays alive a husk of its former self attacking anyone who dares get near. Though there are a lucky few, able to fight through the maddening pain to keep their sense of humanity and for some reason that makes me different.

I would look forward watching people pass by me not paying any mind as I had my features hidden to their eyes by a blackened cloak. Even though I am human and share the same emotions as everyone else, just because I have horns and abyssal eyes means Im different and that means Im a freak of nature and a demon.

In my eyes its hypocritical due to all the corruption which has sewn itself through reality. I find it odd how people with flaming powers are praised while I am seen as a freak and should be exterminated immediately, it just doesnt make sense to me.

I would let out a long sigh as I made my way through the crowd soon finding myself through the doors of a small convenience store. As I walked in a bell rung informing the cashier I was there though his eyes were glued to the game on the TV.

I walked passed him and towards the back grabbing a couple bottles of whiskey before moving my way to the front. I placed them down and the man mindlessly took them and scanned them, he looked at me for a second and shrugged assuming I was above the legal age...I wasnt.

Koros:"Can you throw in a pack of smokes?"


The man turned around and grabbed a pack placing it on the counter after ringing it up. He then averted his eyes to the TV and I followed also looking at the game that was being played.

Koros:"Anything good?"

Man:"Nah, just a match between losers."

Koros:"Ehh to you they are to others they arnt."

Man:"Well their overall Win lose ratio suggest otherwise."

Koros:"I guess you are right in that assumption."

Man:"Did you want anything else?"

Koros:"Nah Im good."

Man:"Alright your totals 58.23$"

I would nod and place three twentys on the counter and he would go into the register which caused it to ding. He would place the money inside and give me the change I was owed which I quickly pocketed before grabbing the bagged items.

Man:"Have a good day."

Koros:"Same to you."

I would walk outside and groan as the newly found rain beat down upon me wetting my black cloak and followed me as I walked through the streets. The once sunny sky replaced by sullen gray clouds with the light of the sun no longer visible through the thick blanket of clouds.

I was soon waiting at a corner, a small crowd had formed and when I followed their eyes I saw a male from fire force company eight. Along with him was all of company five, the single company eight soldier being held down by three blondes known simply as angels. This was the eighths jurisdiction so why the hell was the fifth here.

One of the fifths men got a little too comfy and while making his way through the crowd shoving everyone aside he shoved a kid down onto the ground which annoyed me. I would quickly catch the kid and hold out my leg tripping the man as a form of revenge he fell flat on his face and as I helped the kid too his feet the man walked over to me his face red with rage.

Man:"Hey! Do you not know who I am."

Koros:"...No your fucked up face doesnt ring a bell."

Man:"Excuse me?! Your talking to an on duty fire soldier."

Koros:"On duty...This kid doesnt look like an infernal too me."

????:"Stop mingling with that gravel and assist me!"

I looked at the man as he growled before he ran off to help three others drag the infernal into the back of one of the trucks as the women had ordered him. As I looked I saw her tanned skin and flower like pupils which told me exactly who she was, this coupled with her nice clothing and lets just say curvature frame. The captain of the fifth company had shown up from her kingdom...Princess Hibana, a major pain in the ass.

Hibana:"Also you should know not to screw with a fire soldiers job gravel

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Hibana:"Also you should know not to screw with a fire soldiers job gravel."

Koros:"...Whos the gravel?"


Koros:"Hey atleast I have a use in this world...still trying to figure out yours though."

Her face went red and she would begin to walk towards me and as I checked the kid for injuries she would stop next to me. She would go to put her foot in my face and my head shot up and for a second I got a straight shot up but I ignored her underwear cause Im not some creep.

Koros:"Keep moving that foot and watch what happens."

Hibana:"Is that a threat?!"

Koros:"More of a warning."

She scoffed and continued to raise her leg up and I did warn her that something was gonna happen. I would grab her other leg and pull it out from under her and she fell quickly but before she hit the ground I grabbed her dress and stopped her from falling.

Koros:"Just because you had one bad day doesnt mean you can trample everyone like their some sort of hear?"

I just asked and I swear to you I think she was blushing which honestly confused me. I just scoffed and helped her up before turning around and walking away shoving my hands in my pockets in search of the cigarettes I had purchased. Meanwhile Hibana was standing there before walking back to her company to address the newly arrived Company five.

In secret Hibana told one of her angels to follow Koros as in that moment he was a much more intriguing subject than that infernal. The reason for this is because she saw past that shadow and for a second saw the sharp black horns and his glowing yellow irises.

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