Chapter 9

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Frank opened up the door to a hospital room and peeked inside. He saw Gerard lying on the bed with his eyes closed and a bandage on his side. Now that he was able to see him in light, he noticed that he was a little less pale than he remembered, and his hair was more so a really dark brown instead of black. He still had that innocent face, though, which was what Frank initially found himself attracted to. 

Upon stepping foot into the room, Gerard awoke and searched his surroundings somewhat frantically. As soon as he caught eyes with Frank, his eyes stretched wide. 

“Hey, don’t be scared, I’m not going to hurt you,” Frank quickly said, practically reading Gerard‘s thoughts. 

Gerard’s eyes looked Frank up and down which he found somewhat intimidating. Then, he nodded slowly and gestured to the seat beside his bed. 

When Frank sat in the seat, it squeaked in defense, but soon quietened when Frank stopped moving. “Who are you?” Frank asked, a curious yet suspicious expression on his face. 

“Gerard Way,” he replied after a lengthy pause. 

“Give me a little more than that,” Frank pushed. 

He nodded slowly. “I’m twenty-seven. I study History at college and I write comics. Oh, and I have a part-time job at Barnes and Noble.” 

“You’re not a priest or a convenience store clerk?” Frank crossed his arms. 

“A priest? No way, man, that’s some scary shit. And a convenience store clerk? I hate customer service.” 

“But you work at a bookstore.” 

“That’s different because I like books, but I don’t like listening to fridges hum all day.” Gerard swallowed. “Your name is Frank…Iero, is it? Is that Italian?” 

“How do you know that?” Frank asked suspiciously. 

“I’ve been here this whole time. The church, the convenience store, the bus stop…” He shrugged. “The guy you were talking to…what’s his name? Geremythis?” Gerard pronounced ‘Geremythis’ exactly how Frank did. “Creepy fella…”

“So…you’re Gerard? Sorry, Geremythis?” Frank beckoned for confirmation. 

“Physically, yes. Spiritually, no.” He sunk into his bed. “It’s a long story…”

“I’d like to hear it if you don’t mind.” Frank felt a headache coming on just trying to digest the information he was just given. 

“In 1975, right after my shift at Barnes and Noble, I received a phone call saying that my…uh,” he paused for a second, “that my parents were in a car crash. My dad was in critical condition and my mum died.” 

Frank nodded. 

“So, yeah, I didn’t take it very well because I was very close to my mum. Recently, I hadn’t really, y'know, been depressed. During my high school years, I was, but not in my twenties. So, hearing that news just caused me to spiral.” 

“Mhm,” Frank hummed in recognition. 

“There was a thunderstorm that night, and even though I knew it wasn’t good to walk in the rain, I did it anyway. I found myself at the train station, but it was completely empty, not even a train passing by. I didn’t want to go anywhere—I just wanted a place to sit alone and think.” 

Frank nodded again. 

“Then this guy came up to me and asked me what was wrong. He talked like a mad scientist from an old Hollywood horror movie which I found strangely intriguing. But he was extremely touchy and kept on finishing all of my sentences.” Gerard sighed. “Anyways, then he stalked me. Every corner I turned, he was there. I thought he was just some guy who really wanted a friend, but my mind changed when he started blatantly flirting with me. He knew that a guy who’d just lost his mum and had never had a partner would eat that shit up…and I did.” 

Frank was listening intently, realising how similar Gerard’s story was to his. 

“One night, we kissed. I still cannot find words to describe how amazing the kiss was. It was kind of sweet, like honey, but also so warm. It’s an understatement to say that I loved it.” Gerard smiled softly. “Yeah, anyways, as soon as we confessed our attractions to each other, it all fell down.”

“What happened?” Frank asked. 

“That bitch decided to possess me when I told him I wanted to break up. He wanted to get inside me so bad he fucking possessed me.” Gerard rolled his eyes which made Frank laugh softly. “And that’s when he decided to target you.” 

“So he went right to me as soon as he broke up with you?” Frank asked, eyebrows raised. 

“Exactly. I tried my best not to eavesdrop on any of the conversations you two had, but it’s so hard to ignore when you can just hear his voice echoing. Being possessed is the weirdest fucking thing ever, let me tell you. It’s like living inside your body but seeing nothing but darkness and only faintly hearing anything that goes on.” 

“That’s weird,” Frank commented. 

“When I knew Geremythis, he went by the name of William Baker. He gave me the whole story about how he hated his name, just like he did to you. His looks were different too. When I met him, he had curly brown hair and blue eyes.” 

“I see.” Frank nodded. “So, what happened when I stabbed him? You? Did you feel the knife?” 

“It’s all good. I’m glad you stabbed him instead of dating him because you could’ve gotten possessed. It’s his kisses, man, they’re incredibly addictive.” Gerard smiled gratefully. “I want to thank you, though, because you cast his spirit out of my body.” 

“No worries, man,” Frank said with a grin. “I’m happy I could help you out.” 

Gerard smiled again. God, his smiles looked exactly like Geremythis’ and made Frank’s stomach twist uncomfortably. Gerard noticed this and placed a hand on Frank’s. “What’s wrong, Frank?” 

“I just have some getting over to do. I still kind of like Gerard.” He sighed. “My first crush on a guy too.” 

“Awe,” Gerard hummed, cupping his cheek in his hand, “Good luck.” 

“It doesn’t help that you look exactly like him.” Frank chuckled to himself, now cowardly avoiding Gerard’s eyes. 

“Ah, you feel in love with his looks too?” Gerard sighed. 

Frank nodded. 

“Oh, damn. This really sucks then. I’m sorry,” he apologised, covering his face with his hands. “I should just do this whenever I see you.” His voice was slightly muffled from his hands which Frank kicked himself for finding cute. 

Frank laughed softly and pulled Gerard’s hands away from his face which ended up with them holding hands which just pained Frank that little bit more. 

“I think I better be going,” Frank said, rising from his seat. 

“Wait! Am I ever going to see you again?” Gerard asked. 

“Sure thing,” Frank answered with a smile. “I’d like to see you again.” 

“Great! Y’know, if you get over the whole ‘evil ghost’ thing, then I think we’d make a great duo.” 

And they did.

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