Chapter 8

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The floorboards to the Church creaked and squealed the further Frank walked as if they wanted to confirm to Gerard that Frank had arrived. He sighed, releasing a spiral of warm breath to dissolve into the stagnant air of the old Church. God, he felt like the main character in a Gothic horror movie. 

Frank knew better than to not follow up his side of the deal with a ghost who would most definitely kill him without a second’s notice. 

The last twenty-four hours had been a constant mental game of volleyball between the two decisions he had to choose from. His brain ached even more just thinking about it. Frank had a lot of friends and was very social, so obviously he would tell someone about Gerard sooner or later. Heck, he already did and he wasn’t even aware of the deal. But he didn’t know if he wanted to keep Gerard. Having a ghost friend would be rad, but he was scared that he might kill him or something because that glimmer of evil in his eye was certainly something Frank couldn’t overlook. 

As Frank walked down the aisle of the Church, he heard more creaks and some eerie whirls echo throughout the Church like shrieks from a ghost. Oh God, could that be Gerard? He’d been an absolute fucking troll this entire time so why wouldn’t that be him? 

“Frank Iero.” 

“Geremythis Walter,” Frank replied, imitating the same deadpan expression and making sure he pronounced his name incorrectly. 

“I have been expecting you.” 

“Show yourself,” Frank demanded, spinning on his heels in search of the priest. It was impossible to decipher anything in this blinding darkness. 

“Make me.” 

Frank groaned and rubbed his eyes. “Don’t be a bitch.” 

“My intuition is telling me something…” Gerard said extremely slowly, his voice dangerously low and twirling around Frank, a hurricane of hissing vowels. 

The man didn’t know where to look, so he just spun around slowly, desperately trying to follow the voice. “You coward! Show yourself!” he yelled, now terrified but trying not to show it. 

Suddenly the wind and the sickening whirring noises pulled to a halt and a dense silence lingered in the room. 

“Where’d you go?” Frank asked quietly, not sure if he was able to speak louder without his voice cracking like a teenage boy. 

“I never left the room,” Gerard replied, standing behind Frank with a smug look on his face. 

“You better stop freaking me out like this, got it?” Frank said sternly, glaring at Gerard. 

The priest’s head was tilted forwards so his messy black hair dropped onto his face. His ghostly white skin glowed against his pink lips that displayed an emotionless expression. The way he was standing seemed to terrify Frank because it made him look almost like a vampire. Then, he tilted his head up and glared at Frank with piercing green eyes, like emeralds. The innocent face he once possessed had dissolved into evil. 

Frank swallowed nervously and brought a hand to his head to fix his hair—a nervous tic he had. 

Gerard slowly walked towards Frank, his footsteps silent and his gaze still fixed on Frank like there was a magnetic force restricting him from looking away. 

“Hey…we came here to talk,” Frank reminded him, lifting his hands as if it would stop Gerard from nearing him.  

“One of us clearly loves to talk…” Gerard clutched a hand to Frank’s throat and stabbed him to the wall. 

“Ow,” Frank moaned, struggling beneath Gerard’s unnaturally strong hand. 

“You…you stupid boy. You could not hold your tongue until morrow,” Gerard hissed, tightening his grip. “You will pay for this!” 

Keeper Of Wisdom ☆ FRERARDWhere stories live. Discover now