Tickets, Reserved Seats, Discounts, and Other Policies

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A requirement for movie theaters is tickets to actually see the film. I'll show some videos that detail them and other factors of information discussed throughout this chapter when I write one about the refreshments. Anyway, there have been cinemas, and maybe still are, that allow people to book tickets and/or reserved seats in advance, even via telephone, with any method of payment as long as nothing is counterfeit. Plus, I noticed, upon going shopping at times, gift cards courtesy of Regal and AMC. Another factor to notice is discounts.

That, and the hearing-impaired devices for the deaf. What about accommodations for the blind? Those that are both like Helen Keller? Also, obvious factors would be the prohibition of cell phone usage, texting, and talking during the previews and presentations, as well as the priority of disposing of expendable materials in the rubbish bins. And smoking and drugs would also be prohibited. But what do you guys think? Another burden I want to address is people, after seeing a film, spoiling it for others. This could lead to people leaving the place in annoyance and canceling their plans to see the film, and that could lead to financial problems for movie theaters. Maybe theater policies should prohibit that, as it could benefit their customers and their finances.

The survey questions: How much would tickets cost? Would tickets and/or reserved seats be eligible for booking in advance? What methods would be used for booking them? What would the payment methods be for everything at the ticket office and concession stand? Would there be gift cards? If so, what would they be eligible for? Would discounts be offered? If so, what would the discounts be? Would there be hearing-impaired devices for the deaf? Would something be done to accommodate the blind? If so, what? Would something be done to accommodate the people that are both deaf and blind? If so, what? Should people be prohibited from spoiling movies for others? Why or why not?

Call me complex, but there are a lot of factors of everything to take into account.

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