Chapter 9 - Turbo KO (Tari vs Miko Kubota) [Meta Runner vs Glitch Techs]

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In the middle of the street, a glitch taking the form of a space soldier is shooting at Miko Kubota and her friend High Five, which they both take cover.

High Five: This is gonna take all day.

Miko Kubota: Well, let's take it up a notch! Huh?

While Miko was scrolling through her gauntlet, weird energy started to surround her as she suddenly disappeared. With that suddenly happening, High Five was so freaked out he froze as he nearly got shot by the glitch.

High Five: Whoa!

Meanwhile in a game of Ultra Jump Mania, Tari is running down the beach as fast as she could, passing by Theo who was timing her, then stopping quickly to see her time.

Theo: Twenty seven seconds, just one second off your previous record.

Tari: Aw man, I think I will beat it this time.

Suddenly, Miko ends up teleporting onto the beach, landing on her back as she slowly gets up.

Miko Kubota: Ow! Where am I?

Tari: Uh, who are you?

Miko looks over to see Tari and Theo standing next to her.

Miko Kubota: Well, who are you? You don't appear to be a Glitch Tech.

Tari: And you don't appear to be a Meta Runner.

Miko Kubota: A Meta what?

Suddenly, Miko's gauntlet lights up as it identifies Theo as a glitch, which causes Miko to instantly get up into a battle stance and points the gauntlet at Theo.

Miko Kubota: Wait, you're a glitch!

Theo: Wait, what!? No, I'm no glitch! Sort of.

Miko Kubota: Who else could have teleported me here. Sorry kid, but you're coming with me.

Tari ends up between the two, with her Pineapple Hammer in hand.

Tari: He is no ordinary glitch, he's my friend, and if you are not gonna back off, you're gonna have to get through me if you wanna get to him.

Miko then arms herself with her Energy Hammer and gets in a different battle stance.

Miko Kubota: Bring it on!

The two start clashing with one another with their hammers, causing mini shockwaves with each hit, with the last one knocking the two backwards. Miko starts firing Derez Emitters as Tari quickly dodges them and takes cover behind a tree and arming herself with her Sniper Rifle.

When Tari points the gun towards her opponent, Miko quickly reacts as she charges at Tari with a mini Energy Shield and then punches the palm tree, causing it to be hit in half. Tari manages to dodge the attack and fires at Miko's feet.

On the ground, Miko ends up getting an idea as she activates Boost on her Gauntlet.

Miko Kubota: You said you were a runner, right? Well then, let's race!

Tari accepts this as she goes next to Miko as both of them get in a running stance.

Miko Kubota: I'm so gonna have you eat my dust!

Tari: Oh yeah? Bring it on!

The two then take off at high speeds, going around the entire island a few times. Miko tries to hit Tari with her Energy Hammer, but is blocked by the Pineapple Hammer, which causes Miko to push Tari away from her.

Using her Meta Runner Vision, Tari manages to see that Miko's source of power is coming from the gauntlet, so she comes up with a strategy to take her down. So now running faster than before, Tari takes the lead as Miko tries to keep up.

Miko Kubota: Oh no you don't!

Miko aims her Gauntlet at Tari from behind, but thanks to her Threat Detection, it was all according to Tari's plan, as she proceeds to duck down and dodge the attack, goes the opposite way to take out Miko, and then brings out her Sniper Rifle to shoot at Miko's Gauntlet, causing her to lose her Combat Armor.

While was busy getting up, Tari points her rifle at her.

Tari: Let this be a lesson. I don't like to fight, but if you try to hurt me or my friend, you will regret it.

Totally unarmed, Miko surrenders as Tari helps her up.

Miko Kubota: Sorry, didn't know you care for him that much. And also, where am I?

Before Tari could answer, the two get the same weird energy that brought Miko to Tari's server in the first place, causing them to be both teleported separately.

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