Chapter 2 - Vengeful Responsibility (Spider-Man vs Batman) [Marvel vs DC]

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Bruce looks down on Tony, as he slowly gets up. Batman is about to drop down, but then he hears someone coming, so he retreats to the shadows just as Spider-Man comes in to help up Iron Man.

Spider-Man: You ok, Mr Stark?

Iron Man: Yeah, I'm ok kid. Just some guy in a batsuit attacked me.

Spider-Man: Alright, where did you last see him?

Suddenly, a vehicle can be heard in the distance as it can be seen driving through a red light.

JARVIS: I believe that's him, Parker.

Spider-Man: Ok, thank you, JARVIS. Oh, Mr Stark, do you need any help getting home or...

Iron Man: I'm good, Parker. This suit is still operational. Just need a breather, that's all.

Spider-Man: Ok, man in a batsuit, driving a military vehicle, got it. See yah, Mr Stark.

Peter swings away as Tony leans against a building while letting out a breath of relief.

Iron Man: The friends I make over the years, am I right JARVIS?

JARVIS: Right you are, sir. Now I suggest we get back to the tower after you're done with your break.

Iron Man: Will do, JARVIS. Will do.

On the rooftops, Peter is running along the sides and catches up to the Batmobile, which he manages to swing down and jump right in front of Bruce. Peter then knocks on the window to get his attention, despite being right in front of him.

Spider-Man: Hi, Mr Bat Guy, sir. I was just wondering why you attacked my friend in the red and yellow armor.

Batman: That is none of your business.

Spider-Man: I mean, I have pretty close friends with just about anyone these days.

Bruce's voice gets a bit angrier.

Batman: Get off!

Spider-Man: So yeah, it is my business.

Batman: I said get off!

Bruce then activates the Afterburner, which has Peter launch forward a bit towards the window.

Spider-Man: Woah! Here, let me get out of the way.

Peter then crawls over the window, being right above Bruce.

Spider-Man: If you want me to get off so badly, you could have just said please.

The Batmobile stops and switches to its Battle Mode, which causes Peter's Spider Sense to go up as he sees a cannon pointing right at him from behind.

Batman: Please.

Bruce fires a Riot Suppressor at Peter, which he dodges and swings towards a wall of a building. Bruce keeps firing Suppressors at Peter, who dodges all of them.

Spider-Man: What part of manners do you not get?

Peter then jumps down right in front of the Batmobile, which charges at him and sends him flying in the air and hitting the ground, electrocuted from the Batmobile's Electroshock Defense.

Spider-Man: I did not think that through.

Bruce ejects out of the Batmobile and lands next to Parker and has his foot on him.

Batman: You should have stayed out of this, so all of this could have been avoided.

Spider-Man: Unfortunately, I, ow, always find myself in, ow, situations like this, well, not specifically like this, but I always manage to get back up.

Peter then shoots a web in Bruce's face, then grabs his leg from the bottom and tosses him up, causing Bruce to land on a car, causing its alarms to go off. Bruce hides behind the car and does something on his arm until the car is picked up by Peter.

Spider-Man: No use in hiding from me. Hey, are you texting someone right now?

Batman: Not exactly.

Then the Batmobile starts moving as it points guns at Peter, who senses it and blocks a Suppressor with the car. Peter then throws the car at the Batmobile, which responds by using its 60mm Cannon to blow up the car in mid-air.

Peter then interferes with the control device Bruce is using, which causes the Batmobile to malfunction as it starts shooting its Vulcan Gun at Peter, who manages to dodge the bullets.

Spider-Man: A bit heated, are we? Let's take it down a little.

Peter then jumps in the air and swings right behind the cannon, which he rips the entire thing off of the Batmobile and slams it back in. Peter then jumps off as the Batmobile explodes. He then walks over to Bruce.

Spider-Man: Sorry about your ride. Now, mind telling me, woah!

An Explosive Batarang comes by and nearly hits Peter's head. Peter manages to web the Batarang and send it back to Bruce, which sends him back a bit, before getting webbed up by Peter. Bruce is now webbed in the air in an alleyway as Peter walks towards him.

Spider-Man: I have gotten this far, so now, why did you attack Mr Stark?

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