Chapter 1 - Iron Knights (Iron Man vs Batman) [Marvel vs DC]

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Over the Grand Canyon during the evening, Iron Man is flying across the sky in his Mark III armor, talking to JARVIS.

Iron Man: How massive is this breach anyways?

JARVIS: It appears to be a non threat, but it has brought some interesting visitors from outside our own multiverse.

Iron Man: Interesting, let me get to the tower and see what I can find more about this omniversal party invitation.

By nighttime, Tony gets to New York and lands on the Avenger's Tower helipad. Tony then turns around and sees Wayne Tower nearby, which he scratches his head as he has never seen it before.

Iron Man: That was never there before. JARVIS, is this what you were talking about?

The camera then shows Batman standing behind Iron Man.

Batman: Most likely.

Tony quickly spun around and aimed his Repulsor at Bruce.

Iron Man: Give me a good reason why I shouldn't shoot you in the face?

Batman: I know who you are, Stark. You created weapons that terrorists got their hands on, and made suits that people tried to replicate. You tried undoing this, but the more you try, the more technology you make, the more dangerous you become, and the more dangerous you become, the more dangerous other people become.

Iron Man: Are you seriously lecturing me about my past mistakes? Listen, I know I have made mistakes in the past, and I have fixed them. I know people replicated my tech, but in the end, I made sure it won't happen again.

Batman: Sorry Tony, but I must stop you from invertedly causing a catastrophe.

Iron Man: Man, for a guy in a batsuit, you are so paranoid.

Tony warms up his Repulsors as Bruce throws down a Smoke Bomb. Right when it hits the ground, Tony fires a shot, which disappears into the smoke. Suddenly, the Batclaw is used from within the smoke and grabs onto Tony and brings him in, allowing Bruce to come out of the smoke and throws a series of punches at him.

Tony is staggered by the attacks and so he takes the high ground by hovering in the air and shooting Repulsors at Bruce, who dodges them and throws Batarangs at Tony, who responds by shooting Smart Micro-Guns at the Batarangs. One Batarang explodes, sending Tony back a bit before Batman comes in with Explosive Gel covering his fist, which explodes on impact in Tony's face.

The blast sends Tony off the helipad and causes him to fly to a nearby rooftop. Bruce glides down and lands in front of him. Tony shoots a Unibeam at Bruce, who dodges it by grappling onto a small water tower. Tony then launches a missile at the tower, which causes Bruce to jump off of it as it explodes.

Bruce then starts punching Tony again, this time with Shock Gloves activated, shocking Tony's suit with every punch. Tony revolts and sends out his own series of punches before ending it with a strong punch that pushes Bruce back, who responds by throwing an Explosive Batarang at Tony, who dodges it and prepares to shoot another Repulsor Blast, but Bruce acts fast by throwing Shock Batarang at Tony's hand, which shocks his suit while the Explosive Batarang, which was still in play, hits Tony in the back, launching him towards Bruce.

Bruce dodges Tony's flying body and he grapples onto him, hanging on from his back.

Iron Man: Hey, get off of me!

Tony flies around and tries to shake off Bruce, while Bruce puts some Explosive Gel on Tony's back.

Batman: Good night, Tony.

Bruce then grapples off of Tony and detonates the Explosive Gel, catching Tony off guard as he hits the side of a building before landing on the ground right into some trash cans.

Iron Man: Ow.

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