Sergeant Mike Horvath

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A/n - hey folks ,sorry for the gap in writing imagines, I'm finished school for the summer so should hopefully get a couple more imagines posted soon!also sorry for all the time skips !

Gunshot where being fired around me as I tried to stay low. I crawled forward towards where dead bodies lay infront of me to try and keep going without getting hit.An explosion close by sending a small piece of metal into my arm.fucking shit I thought.Between rounds I tried to get up to move more towards my own company and men.I fired towards the German lines before I felt myself being pulled down towards a line of soldiers.i looked over towards sergeant Horvath who was next to me.People were yelling over the sound of men's screams and the sound of mortars and gunfire.

Once we were up and standing , i kept firing towards Germans who tried leave their bunkers.I then felt a pair of hands around my neck , pulling me to the ground from behind me.As I looked up , a young German boy was mud and blood covered.My breath struggled to get out as I hit him across the head and kicked at him.I tried to reach for my gun but it was out of my reach. My breath stared to slip and become slow.I then heard a gunshot which echoed as I felt a relief as his hands loosed from my neck and saw the life drain from the boys pale blue eyes.The body fell next to me as I moved to catch my breath."corporal L/n, are you alright" Horvath said grabbing ahold of me as he pulled me up."Yea , I'm fine" I coughed out.I looked down at the German boy again , he was No older than 19.

"Come on ,let's go" Horvath said as I grabbed my gun once again.I saw Germans at the surrender as others lay dead on the ground beneath them.One tried to run from gun point , i skies and fired at him as he fell to the ground to join his dead comrades.

*****later on back at checkpoint (can't remember what that was called but basically where they where before miller had been told the mission about Ryan*****

I checked my arm which was covered in dry blood and the piece of metal just pocking out of lovely.I then took out a cigarette to try and distact myself from it.My neck still felt tender from earlier.I hoped this war would be over soon enough.

*time skip*

As we walked through the field in formation , our new translator , Upham , was being a bit to close to everyone but , who am I to judge."L/N" someone said snapping me out of my thoughts."sorry what" I said.I looked over to see Sergeant Horvath give me a quick smile before continuing on waking In formation.I continued to walk on lost in my thoughts.I started picking at my nails , a nervous habit , not a good one anyway.Their wasn't much to pick at anymore , they'd grown shorts and the skin round the side was sore and red.i still picked at any rough or uneven part of my nail to help pass time.

** Time skip**

I sat against a wall in the dimly lit church.I still picked and fidgeted around my nails.I sat and listend to the others talking quietly.I sat slightly at a distance for some peace.I looked over to see sergeant Horvath briefly make eye contact with me before breaking it.I felt a light blush come to my face but turned away to hide it.This couldn't happen not now, it's a shit time.I shut my eyes telling myself i would try to sleep but I knew it was a lie.My thoughts wondered about but one thing kept coming into my head.Well someone.He just seemed to just , well , be there.But , there wasn't much point acting on whatever I felt for him , there's other things to worry about than that.

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