T-4 Medic wade

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Gender neutral

You were sat on a patch of grass with some other wounded soldiers.Your palm had a deep scar over it and you couldn't feel it , it was just numb.you where covered in some unlucky soldiers blood but you weren't sure how.You heard some unfamiliar voices coming up to the tent.There were always unfamiliar voices but these more so.you continued to stair out into the feild as you saw a figure walk up to you.you slightly moved your head to see a medic crouch down to your level."May i see your hand" He said.His voice seemed soft in a way.You put your hand out so he could see it and bandage it up."Thats pretty deep , how'd you manage it" He exclaimed while getting out a bandage."hand to hand combat" you said in a quiet tone."this might sting a little" He sighed looking up at you.You nodded at him to go ahead.He gently wiped your hand with some sort of liquid on a rag.It didnt hurt so bad knowing that you got distrected by this certain medic gently holding your hand."You look like you got it hard hug" he mentioned while wrapping your hand up."Something like that" you said with a slight smirk."Hey their we are a smile" he smiled at you.You broke out into a smile at that.

"Your hand should be okay now , it won't get infected , thankfully" He said."Okay , thanks doc" you said."The names wade , Irwin Wade" He smiled softly at you.
"Y/N , Y/N Y/L/N" you smiled back.You both had a light conversation before he stood up."Well , it was nice to meet you , Y/N" Wade smiled."Nice to meet you too ,Irwin" you smiled back.He gave his hand to help you up."Thank you" you smiled. As you stood up , someone called you over."Well I'll see you around" you smiled."See you around" he smiled as you walked away.Irwin noticed your smile , he hadn't seen such a lovely smile before , now he had.

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