Chapter 3: The Rematch

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Keith grabbed his keys off the table quickly and hurried to the door.

"Hey, Keith! Our mom will be back in like half an hour, I don't know if she told you," Zack said.

"No no, I'm about to go home pal. I've gotta be at the country club tomorrow morning. Thanks though," Keith replied instantly. He grabbed the flask from the sink quickly and hurried out the door before Zack had any more questions. It wasn't until Keith slipped out the suite when he noticed his brother standing against the wall

That's strange, Zack thought.

"Cody, what are you doing?" He asked him. No answer; Cody was just staring straight ahead of him.


"y-yeah, yeah. I'm fine Zack." Cody finally said. He walked slowly over to the couch and sat down. Zack sat down at the kitchen table and had a Hershey's that he got from the candy counter.

"Yeah um, Mr. Moseby wasn't too happy to see me talking with 'one of the guests kids,'" Zack said while making air quotes. He expected an I told you so or at least a laugh from Cody; nothing. He just sat there on the couch staring at the blank television set; he hadn't looked at his brother once since he got back.

"Cody are you sure you're okay?" He tried again.

"Yeah. I think I'm gonna go take a shower; I'll be back in a little bit."

"Alrighty Broseph," Zack said. Cody stood up and made his way to the bedroom they shared. Once he was in his room, he unbuttoned the shirt he had on, grabbed a new shirt, and then walked back into the main room to go to the bathroom. He was a little surprised but mostly relieved  that Zack didn't see that his shirt was almost all the way unbuttoned before Keith left; not that he would think anything of it if he did. As Cody was pondering this thought, he completely forgot about how hard Keith had grabbed him only fifteen minutes ago.

"Yo, Cody, what happened to your shoulder?" Zack asked once he saw the mark near his younger brother's collarbone.

"What?" Cody said. He didn't even know there was a mark left behind; all he knew was that it did not feel good in the moment.

"That mark; on your shoulder! Is someone messing with you at school?" Zack asked. Cody looked at his shoulder and then back at his brother.

"Oh, that? That was, um, a kid from my first hour class. It was an honest accident." Cody replied.

"What do you mean, honest accident?'" He questioned. Cody looked in his brothers eyes and saw true concern. He didn't want to have his brother worry about him, and even worse, he didn't want to lie to him.

"Okay okay, It w-wasn't a kid from school." He said, looking down

"Who was it!?" Zack asked. Cody stopped talking again and remembered the last thing Keith said to him before letting go of him. Zack put a comforting hand on his other shoulder. He looked back up at him.

"It will be fine if you tell me, Cody." Zack assured him. Cody couldn't have the heart to lie to his brother.

"I-It was Keith," he finally said. He saw Zack beginning to turn red and instantly thought to fix his mistake.

"It wasn't on p-purpose though, Zack. I got a better score than him on Tony Hawk: Pro Skater on the game system, and he playfully grabbed my shoulder and said he's gonna beat me next time. It was an accident." Cody made up. He wasn't proud of the story but he also did the one thing Keith told him not to do. "Zack you can't tell him though okay? I don't want him to feel bad." Cody added. Zack had calmed down after hearing his brother but deep down, he thought it was a strange way to get a bruise that bad on your shoulder.

"Cody, are you sure?" Zack asked concerningly.

"Yeah, Zack. I'd tell you everything." He replied. He knew it was wrong to lie to him, but fear got the best of him.

"Alright then I won't; I promise." Zack said before continuing. "When you're done in the shower, you wanna watch funniest monster truck crashes with me?" 

"Yeah, sure; I'll be fast," Cody said.

* * *

It's been a few days since that Friday night; it was the next Wednesday in the city of Boston. School was finally out for the twins as they stepped inside the Tipton that afternoon ready for summer vacation. Of course Mr. Moseby wasn't too thrilled that he'd be seeing Zack and Cody more but that's what comes with summer break.

It was 8PM on that Wednesday night when Zack was hanging out in the lobby before Mr. Moseby would inevitably tell him to go back upstairs. Carey and Cody were upstairs making a celebratory dinner since the school year was finally over. While they were upstairs, Zack ran into Keith working downstairs at his desk. When Zack passed him, he remembered his talk with Cody from last week.

"Hey Keith, If you want some real competition on Tony Hawk: Pro Skater, you should play me!" Zack boasted. Keith looked confused.

"What was that there?" He asked.

"Last Friday; you lost to my brother in a video game. I didn't even know that was possible!" Zack said while laughing.

"We didn't play that, Zack." Keith said, still confused.

"Ooooh I see what you're doing. You just don't want to admit you lost to Cody; I get it, I get it, I would probably do the same thing if I lost to him too." Zack continued. He forgot what he promised to his brother before he said what he said next.

"I probably wouldn't have messed up his shoulder after losing to him, but I would still be upset," he said. Keith's eyes went from confused to slightly angry all of a sudden. He looked like he was beginning to think a little bit and then finally replied to Zack.

"Alright you got me then, Zack. Don't worry though, I'm gonna go to the lounge bar for a few minutes and then I'll have my rematch with him later tonight. I don't have to be at the country club tomorrow until noon." He said. He didn't look so kind anymore.

I mean I've lost to Cody every once in a while but I've never been that mad, Zack thought to himself.

"Okay. I think Mom's taking me to cheap Charlie's to get new basketball shoes before they close but I'll see you tonight—then we can play." Zack said before running to the elevator to go upstairs. Once he made his way to the suite and opened the door, the smell of summer hit him square in the face.

"You guys made burgers!?" Zack cried.

"Yeah!" Cody replied. "We also have brownies in the oven that will be done in 45 minutes!


The three of them had dinner together at the table before Carey started talking to her oldest son.

"Are you ready to go to the store?" She asked him.

"Yeah, let's go!" Zack said. He and Carey got up to go to the door after grabbing her purse; she then turned to her other son.

"Will you be okay here by yourself for about an hour?" Carey asked.

"Yeah, Mom. You guys have fun," Cody said reassuringly. 

Carey opened up the door with Zack following behind when they were met with a face waiting behind the door about to knock.

"Why, hellooo Carey!" Keith said with a smile.

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