Chapter 2: Under the Influence

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Friday night at the Tipton. The twins were in the game room and their mom was performing in the lounge. After Zack and Cody had been in the game room for a few hours, they went upstairs to have dinner. The clock in the lobby read 9:30PM; Their Mom would finish up around 11. Once they got up to their suite, they ran to the stove. 

"Sweet! Chicken, Mac n' Cheese, and.." Zack began before he groaned.

"Asparagus!" Cody yelled. Zack looked at his brother condescendingly. 

"Cody, you're the only 12-year old on this planet that likes asparagus." Zack said

"What? It's a culinary masterpiece!" He returned. Zack rolled his eyes and opened the mac n' cheese container.  They ate dinner and then turned around to go back to the game room. They left the room closing the door behind them, then went to the elevator. After arriving at the lobby, they only made it a few steps before running into Mr. Moseby.

"Eh eh eh, what are you two doing down here?" Mr. Moseby asked.

"Going to the game room," the twins said in unison. 

"Not this late you two, it's happy hour down here; back to the room you guys go," Mr. Moseby said.

"But Mr—" Zack began.

"Zipp" Mr Moseby said, cutting him off.

"Oh come on we'll be quie—"



"Z-Zip. And that's my last zip." Mr. Moseby concluded before going to his desk, keeping an eye on the both of them. Cody turned to Zack.

"Welp, I guess back up we go," He said.

"Yeah yeah, I'll meet you up there in a little bit. That babe over there looks like she has a case of the Zacks." Zack said.

"That doesn't even make sense," his brother replied.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll meet you up there. I'll ask if she has a friend for ya," Zack said with a wink and patting his brother on the shoulder. That made Cody smile.

"Alright, good luck."

Cody turned to the elevator and went back upstairs. When the elevator doors opened on the 23rd floor, he was surprised to see Keith standing at the door of his suite. He walked up to him and tapped him near his hip.

"K-Keith? Are you okay?" Cody asked. Keith turned around in shock. Cody noticed his eyes looked a little pink, and he stumbled a little bit when he turned around.

"Zack? No, No; Cody! Yeah, I'm alright kiddo. Got a little too happy during happy hour in the lounge. Your mom is an amazing singer by the way, did you know that?

"Thanks Keith." He paused before continuing. "Why were you at the door?"

"The door? Oh, right right, I left my car keys on your table before I left earlier; just came to pick those up.

"Oh okay sure! I can let you in." Cody said to him. Keith stepped out of the way and Cody opened up the door. When they walked in the suite, Cody went to the couch in the main room and Keith grabbed his keys off of the table. Cody noticed he wasn't walking straight still. Right as he was going to ask if he needed help, Keith pulled a flask out of his suit pocket and started drinking from it. He tried to keep it hidden from Cody's view but didn't do a good enough job.

"Hey uh, Keith, you're not driving home are you?" Cody asked sincerely.

"Yeah yeah, I'll be fine, I'm only fifteen minutes out; I'll be back home in a jiff, don't worry about it. I appreciate you asking though." Keith spat out.

"You know, you can call a taxi if you wa—"

"Cody! I'm fine!" Keith yelled. Cody stopped talking. Keith noticed and began walking over to the couch. This time however, he sat down in the chair, not on the couch with him.

"I'm s-sorry Keith. I just wanted to make sure you got home safe, t-that's all," Cody said looking down.

"I'm fine Cody." He said quickly before continuing. "Where's Zack?"

"Downstairs; probably getting scolded at by Mr. Moseby for being down there after he said come back up here." Cody answered.

"You know, you're a good kid Cody."

"t-thanks?" Cody replied hesitantly. Keith then stood up and went towards the bathroom, pulling the flask out again as he opened the door. He was in there for around 20 seconds before he came back out and rinsed the flask out in the kitchen sink; whatever was in there was definitely gone now. He put his keys down on the table again and looked out the peephole. Cody began to get a little nervous. When Keith turned back around, he had that look in his eyes from earlier that afternoon. Keith took a deep breath in then began talking again.

"Where did you get that shirt from?" Keith asked.

"w-what?" Cody replied, confused. He got up and went to grab the remote control from the TV stand.

"That shirt. It looks pretty cool." Keith continued. Cody was confused by his question. It was a button up hawaiian shirt that his Dad got him for his birthday four months ago when he turned 12. His dad got him and Zack 4 shirts each and a new game system for their main room. As much as Cody and his brother thought Keith was a good person, there was no replacing Kurt Martin. Even though he wasn't with them every day, he was always there for the important things and any time the twins wanted to see him, he would make time for them no matter what he was doing. 

"My dad got it for me for my birthday last month." Cody told him. Keith walked towards him and laid his hand on the younger twins shoulder. He tried his best not to stumble on his walk across the room but couldn't help it.

"I admire you Cody," Keith said, his eyes not leaving Cody's. The grip on his shoulder was strong. He wished his brother was here.

"t-thanks, sir." Cody uttered.

"You know Cody, you don't have to call me sir," Keith said. His other hand reached to the top button of the shirt his dad got him. 

"Hey, what are you doin—" Cody began; he was cut off by Keith moving his elbow across Cody's chest and pushing him against the wall, pinning him there. Cody's eyes narrowed unintentionally; he was scared. Keith was at least 6'5" and Cody didn't even come close to 5 foot tall.

"Cody. I already had a rough evening, let's have the rest of the night go well, okay?" Keith uttered. His words were slurring.

"b-but i—"

"Shhhhhh," Keith whispered. He reached for the same top button and unbuttoned it this time. Water started to form behind Cody's eyes. 

"K-Keith please don—" Cody started to say before he was silenced by Keith again. He grabbed a fistful of his shirt near the collar, pulled Cody towards him, then slammed him against the wall again. He ran one of his fingers through Cody's hair.

"Cody Cody Cody, you know I could never be mad at you r-r-right?" Keith said; his words were slurring worse. He moved to the next two buttons in line. Cody was still pinned hard against the wall.

"w-what????" Cody barely got out. "Keith if I made you mad earlier I'm sorry, I just wanted to make sure you got home, that's all, i promise."

"I'm not mad. You're my favorite twin, I can't be mad at you Cody," Keith said. He had unbuttoned three of the buttons when he went to move to the fourth. That was when he heard a clicking noise from the door. Keith realized instantly that Cody's brother was about to walk in. He tried his best to sober up and looked back at Cody. He tightened his grip on Cody's shoulder hard so Cody would get the message. It took everything inside the blonde boy not to cry at the pressure.

"You say a word of any of this to anyone, it will be the last thing you do Cody," He said coldly. Cody nodded his head as a tear fell down his cheek. Keith tightened his grip harder one last time, leaving a nasty bruise on Cody's right shoulder before letting him go. Keith  then turned around and went to the table just as Zack opened the door. Cody was frozen on the wall.

"Hey guys, I'm back!" Zack yelled.

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