Sore Throat

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I woke up this morning with a sore throat, I ran downstairs sobbing, "MOMMY MY THROAT HURTS" I cried as a wrapped my arms around her tightly "open ur fucking mouth" she demanded while she rolled her eyes. My throat has a big rash on it, "go to your room you fucking disappointment!!!" she yelled and I started to cry again.

I slammed the door to my room and stared at the walls covered in Jake Paul posters, I ran my hands over his abs on the wrestling picture and sighed. My mother will never understand me, I proceeded to go to my bed and bellyflop down, I opened my phone to see I had notifications covering my Logan Paul Lock Screen, I growled lowly and opened my Snapchat. "This whore" I mumbled as I opened my friends message. He told me, in explicit detail, about the sex he has last night with a Logan Paul knock off, I took a deep breath and replied 'Jake is better' and I slowly nodded off to sleep again.

I woke myself up with the most heart stopping, gut wrenching shit I have ever had in my life, in my bed! I jumped up and screamed out "MOMMY MOMMY I SHAT MY PANTIES"
she came stumbling through my door "fucking clean it yourself you fucking fuckface" she calmly told me" I laughed, she clearly loved me.

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