Reo couldn't believe he had made it.

    The ball hit the side of the hoop and bounced back.

    Kiyoshi and Nebuya were under the basket waiting for the rebound. Kiyoshi had been losing almost every battle against Nebuya until now. Not only was his rival stronger, but Kiyoshi's knee was hurting terribly.

    But Kiyoshi would be damned if he continued to be bested by Nebuya. Not when his teammates were fighting so hard. Not when Hyuuga came back to the game and was defeating Reo. Not when his team was counting on him and supported him 100%!

    With an explosion of energy, Kiyoshi pushed hard against Nebuya and managed to grab the ball before him. He passed it immediately to his team and Kagami scored.

    Rakuzan was getting frustrated. The Uncrowned Kings were having trouble.

    The game continued and Reo had the ball once again. Hyuuga may be able to predict what shot he was going to use, but he was certain Hyuuga wouldn't be able to counter his Void shot even if he knew it was coming.

    That being said, Reo smirked smugly and got ready to make the Void shot.

    To his complete shock, and everyone watching, when Reo jumped to shoot, Hyuuga jumped after him and slapped the ball off its course.

    The trick to Reo's Void shot was how deep he crouched before he jumped. Because Reo crouched so low, when he made the move to stand up again, his opponent would start jumping. Then, when his opponent reached the point where he had his legs completely extended, Reo finished his jump. Because his opponent already had his legs completely stretched, he couldn't jump when he saw Reo jump for real. That's why it gave them the idea their legs were paralyzed and weren't able to jump. It was simply a trick.

    A trick Hyuuga had figured out thanks to his friends and his observing skills.

    (Y/N) smiled proudly as did everyone else when Hyuuga took the ball from Reo. 

    The Uncrowned King was so shocked he even let out a squeaky gasp.

    Seirin gained possession of the ball thanks to Hyuuga, and Izuki grabbed it. He passed to Kuroko, who then passed to Kiyoshi.

    Kiyoshi ran towards Rakuzan's basket and jumped to dunk the ball, but Nebuya got to him before he could. Kiyoshi didn't let that stop him, though. He used his Right of Postponement and changed his move to pass the ball to Hyuuga again.

    Hyuuga caught it and scored a three-pointer.

    It had been a beautiful performance from Seirin and the entire team cheered.

    Two minutes of the final quarter had already passed and the scores were 76-88.

    The tension was growing in the court. Seirin was doing really well, they were passing around and scoring. 

    The Uncrowned Kings had been bested by them and Rakuzan was in danger.

    Not only that, Kagami was even more focused now.

    Akashi's eyes narrowed dangerously. Not only was he tremendously displeased with his team's poor performance, but Kagami seemed to still have a lot of power.

The Trump Card - Kuroko no Basket Season 3 (Akashi x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora