She sat down beside me not looking at me , Even Once

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She sat down beside me not looking at me , Even Once .

Was she still expecting my brother to come and stop this marriage?

We both did everything that the Priest said exchanging varmala , her brother tied the Knot ,

We both did everything that the Priest said exchanging varmala , her brother tied the Knot ,

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Her Father gave her hand in mine , it was ice cold because I knew she was nervous . Who wouldn't Be. I held it in mine her hand small in comparison to mine .

We both did the Phera , the Priest gave me Vermilion and the Mangalsutr . Her cousin pulled off her Veil so that I coud apply the Vermilion her gaze collided with mine there was a hint of surprise in her eyes. It's clear that I was the last person she was expecting to be the groom . Her eyes were rimmed red because of crying. Her cousin put the veil back in place after I tied the Mangalsutr.

After that Priest said that the wedding is complete. We took everyone's blessings .

Madhav is glaring at me I don't know what reaction he exactly expects from me but I am not some one who can be intimidated easily .
He got a call to which he smirked, he hugged his sister and when it came to me he whispered in my ear.

" Hurt my little sister in any way and I will bury you six feet deep , just like I am going to bury your asshol brother."

I didn't answered not because I was frightened or something it's just I don't want to create a scene and I was not planning to hurt her sister. I don't give a Fuck what he does with my brother, I don't have time for that lowlife scum.

After making a guest appearance together. Not that many people knew about Rohan and Shivanya, and the few who do are tied to an NDA. The Ranawats don't compromise with security. Most of our guests assumed our wedding was real, and thankfully, we've been able to make it look real too. The Media knew about the marriage between our two Families and that's what they got. A happy couple.

Married. Fuck. This is a complete shitshow. How did I end up married to my younger halfbrother's fiancée ? What the fuck? I take a calming breath .

Now it's time for us to leave . Shivanya hugged everyone in her family, her brother whispered something in her ear that bought a small smile to her crying face it's clear that both of them were very close to each other. I opened the car door for her she didn't looked at me and entered the car . The silence between us was so thick that I can cut it with a knife. But it's not the time nor the place to start a conversation, we have a five hour drive waiting for us.

 But it's not the time nor the place to start a conversation, we have a five hour drive waiting for us

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After the Bride and Groom left Madhav was fuming with anger . The second he came to know that the groom had run away he ordered the best hackers in his company to track and trace Rohan .

He can't let anyone play with his family's reputation, the feelings of his sister and live his life as if nothing has happened. Rohan need to pay for what he has done .

Everyone in the Ranawat family gathered in the Room , Shivanya's mother was worried about her daughter and so was everyone else . When Madhav's phone rang .

"Bring him to the dungeon in our office ." That was all he said . Everyone looked at him without his saying anything all knew that he had found Rohan . But it was Dadisa who said

" Think before you do anything foolish because now our Shivi is married to his brother. "

" Do you want me to leave him as if nothing happened today. He was found on the highway to Delhi with his two friends .
Like he was on holiday!!
He was supposed to be here marry Shivi!!"

" I should thank God that my daughter didn't marry such a man ." Said his mother.

" What ever you do make sure that our name or your identity is not disclosed, and don't kill him he need to see everything he is going to lose and for that I want him to go back to his normal life . Just roughen him a bit , maybe a few broken bones will do for now ." It was Ranveer Singh Shivanya's Father who said it with a smirk.


Curious About Madhav Check Out His Story THE MISTAKE .


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