36|'Haylee's Secret'

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Slamming the door behind me, I call out asking if anyone's home, wanting to rant about my crappy day. I got a weeks detention for breaking Aliyah's nose, but Aliyah's only got a day in isolation for throwing the first punch and posting that photo of me. I'm fuming!

"Girls! Mom! Anyone home?!" I dump my keys and phone on the kitchen counter once I receive no answer. "Great, the one time I want someone to be home and no one's bloody here."

Pulling my jacket off my shoulders, my eye brows crease in confusion at the sight of my little sister's stuff, thrown across the sofa. "Haylee? You here, love?"

Still no answer. Confused, I make my way through the living room and up the stairs, calling her name every now and then.

Music is playing in the bathroom, and I know she's in there, so I politely knock on her door. "Haylee, you alright?"

All I hear is the music coming from her phone, "I'm coming in, Hales."

"What you doing in here?" I ask, but my face falls as I see her reflection in the mirror.

"Izzy!" She shouts, alarmed at my entrance, dropping what she has in her hands and lowering her shirt, turning her body to face me.

"Wha-what you doing?" I question and bend down to pick up what she dropped before she could. A razor blade. "What's this? Huh?! The hell you doing, Haylee?!"

"Izzy, please stop... Just go away!" She cries and pushes past me, heading straight to her room, me following close behind.

"Show us." I demand, standing in her doorway.

"You what?" She asks, confused, standing at her window.

I slam the blade on top of her chest-of-draws and repeat myself, "Show me!"

"Izzy..." She trails off nervously.

"You hurt yourself?" I ask, tears brimming my eyes as I approach her, grabbing her arms roughly and searching her. "Show me! Where? Where do you do it?!"

She begins resisting, wriggling out of my grip, "What you doing? Stop it! Get off me!"

"I wanna see it! Where?" I continue searching her, but she pushes my off and storms to the doorway, leaving me at the window.

"Izzy, stop!" She shouts, panting heavily. "Fine! You wanna see?"

My eyes bulge out of my head when she removes her top and shows me the right side of her body. Blood trickles slowly down her side from her latest assault on her poor, poor body, and my hand clasps my mouth in shock.

Tears leak from my eyes, and I sit on the floor in front of her, letting out a gasp of breath as I see the slight scarring and the new slice on her side. "How...? How long have you been doing that? Huh?!"

She pulls her shirt back over her head, "Izzy, please stop crying."

"I don't get it." I sob. "Why? Why would you do that to yourself?"

I look up at her with fear in my eyes, "Is it me? Is it cos of me? Cos I'm so sorry if I weren't there for ya. I'm so so sorry, my little flower."

"No, no, it's not that simple." She shakes her head.

"Is it mom?" I question with a shake of my head. "It's a lot, I know. An-and I tried to shield ya from it. I tried to protect ya. I'm sorry."

"No, no, don't..." She trails off, chocking on her tears.

I take a shaky breath, looking up at my sister, "My beautiful girl. My special, beautiful baby sister. Why? Why would you do it?"

Haylee lets out a sob, "I hate it, and I wanna stop."

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