Water island epic wubbox

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Wubbox said as he was on the ground from the earthquake that his brother did

Water wubbox: I..I had enough of this..

**all the monsters seems to back away, and so did riff, but water wubbox stopped him**

Water wubbox: no, come back here!

Riff: w-what are you doing here?? How did you even get here?? Air island is literally floating?

Water wubbox: what kind of silly questions is that? Don't you know who I am? I am a wubbox, I am very powerful, we all can jumb really high..

Reebro: but not as higher as me!

Wubbox: reebro???

Reebro: hey bro

Water wubbox: I've been watching you riff..the way you treated air...I just can't take this anymore! He's literally trying his best!

Riff: yeah but..he doesn't fit in! And besides! He can't be heard in the song! So I think we sho—

Water wubbox: no no, I think YOU should just accept it! So what if air is "bad" as singing?? 

Riff: listen dude, if you don't leave this island immediately, I'm going to tell shellbeat about it!

Water wubbox: not if I...

**water wubbox then lifts his feet up, it seems like he wants to step on riff**

Rare wubbox: u-uh water? I think your taking this way too far-

Water wubbox: hmm...your right..sorry about that hehe

(But it seems like riff is literally frozen in place, all the monsters didn't know what to do, even if they ran to their home, water will find them anyway, water is a good finder, he literally can find Waldo in book in a few seconds, crazy right? And not to mention, this guy is huge, he is very big, but not as big as earth, which will see him soon)

Water wubbox: **clears throat** every monster from air island, I would like to apologize for my behavior, I forgot to be cool, calm, and clear like water, but here's why I'm here, you see, I've been seeing you guys bulling my little brother air wubbox, I've been watching it from the beginning, I didn't want to go because sheall beat, but after some talk, he let me, so now I'm here, and wanted to tell you all..that air wubbox is not a bad monster!

**all the monsters watched, wubbox was listening, rare was listening, air was listening, Cybop is gone, riff is still frozen of fear, and i listened**

Water wubbox: yes, his screams might scare you or annoy you, but that doesn't mean he's bad, he's a great brother of mine and I love him! So please, it would be nice if you try to give him a second chance, I promise, he will not hurt you, he will never do anything bad for you, just please, give him a second chance.

**the monsters seem to look down, as if they were ashamed, but riff, was still frozen**

Air wubbox: w-water...

Water wubbox: yeah bro?

Air wubbox:...thank you...

(Water wubbox then walked up to air and hugged him, air started to tear up because he's been getting treated like this for a while, every monsters clapped, and a lot of cheering, pompom was the one who's the loudest at cheering, she might have changed her mind of air, wubbox and rare we're happy about it, Cybop was long gone, riff was still frozen)

Rare wubbox: so uh guys, what do we do now?

Water wubbox: we go to my island and have some tea!

Air wubbox: but I don't like tea—

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