Chapter Ten : Cupid

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End of Bachira's POV,
Isagi POV:

"A hopeless romantic all my life
Surrounded by couples all the time
I guess I should take it as a sign!
I'm feeling lonely~
Oh I wish I'd find a lover that could hold me~
I'm crying in my room, so skeptical of love~ still I want it more more more~"

I'm Isagi Yoichi, a 16 year old boy with dark-blue, raven hair, and besides me, lies a Wild Bachira, who's blasting emotional love songs through his earphones, and it's not letting me sleep.

"Bachira, stop it!" I calmly asked him.

"NOOOOO!" Bachira screeched,

It's the middle of the night, everyone else is in a deep sleep, but then this dude..

"I gave a second chance to cupid!~
But now I'm left here feeling stupid,
Oh, the way he makes me feel that love isn't real~
Cupid is so dum-"

That's it, I've had enough!
Before the woman singing could complete her line, I quickly plucked his earphones out and whispered,

"Go to sleep, BACHIRA MEGURU."


I  then sat up and picked a pillow beneath me, and quickly smacked him with it,

"Oh so we're doing this, huh?" Bachira smirked while picking up a pillow, "I'm not going to let you win!"

"We'll see 'bout that!" I grinned and started poking him with a pillow, I realised the song was still playing in the background,

"I look for his arrows everyday,
I guess he got lost or flew away?
Waiting around is a waste (waste)
Been counting the days since November
Is loving as good as they say?"

We were playing pillow fight, until my pillow flew, and hit Reo, who was sleeping besides me, in the face.

"WHAT THE HECK!" Reo woke up, half asleep, grabbed the pillow, and threw it into Rin's face, who was also still sleeping.

"I HATE YOU NII-CHAN, YOU'RE THE WORST!" Rin screamed as he opened his eyes and smacked the pillow.

"WHO THREW THE DAMN PILLOW?!" Reo questioned with a very angry face, me and Bachira were extremely scared, we needed to run for our lives.

"Huh.. Rin? Nii-chan? Sae is here..?" Hiori questioned as he rubbed his eyes and sat up while he woke up,

"why are you all screaming..its like..i dont know but its super late.." Nagi woke up too, oh no what have we done..

"Guys, I'm asking you, in middle of the night, WHAT WERE YOU DOING?!" Reo punched the pillow and stood up.

"Oooooo, I like the song called "In the middle of the night!" Bachira giggled,

"It's an English song, do you even know English, Bachira?" Rin rolled his eyes while speaking.

"I dunno, but I like the vibes!" He giggled again,

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