Ren knelt and placed a small metal charm on Alexa's grave. "Thank you, friend. I'll miss you."

Toshiro's gaze lingered on Ren as the others dispersed from Alexa's grave. Her revelation had shed new light on her mystery. Though she hid it well, her past still haunted her.

Ren had been an agent for Zo—cunning, ruthless, unflinching. Now she fought for the Rebellion with that same relentless drive. But Toshiro sensed her doubts. Her fears that her past sins forever tainted her.

That's why Alexa had been so important to her. The young rebel was the first to truly believe in Ren's potential. To see beyond her past and give her a chance at redemption.

Baz stood apart from the others, his bluster gone. His broad shoulders slumped, his fists clenched at his sides. When Jeremy and Ren stepped forward to speak about Alexa, Baz turned his back, staring coldly into the distance.

Juno hesitated before asking, "Baz, do you have anything to add?"

He stared at the ground, then turned without saying a word.

"You were her teacher, her mentor. You must have something to say for the girl."

Finally, he whirled around, eyes flashing.

"What do you want me to say? That it's a damn waste? That she deserved better than this?" He pointed at her grave. "She was like a daughter to me! From the moment she joined up, so young and brave, I knew I had to protect her. And I failed!" He trailed off, dragging a hand over his eyes.

The raw anguish in his voice stunned Toshiro.

After a long moment, Baz's gaze fixed on Toshiro. "You got something to say?" he growled.

Toshiro blinked, taken aback. "I didn't know Alexa as well as the rest of you," he began carefully. "But I could see how much she meant to all of you. How much she gave to the Rebellion. She—"

"Don't you dare speak another word." Baz glared at him.

Juno stepped in between them. "Okay—Baz, I'm sure he doesn't mean to disrespect her memory. He's just—"

"An idiot? Yeah, I'll say it. The fool couldn't use his arm to do a simple task that might have saved two lives."

Ren jumped in to defend Toshiro. "We don't know that! Those bounty hunters were likely on our track all day."

"The man is a fraud. He's no rebel. He's basically a common thief, or worse."

Juno put up her hands. "I was going to suggest that he is no doubt preparing an apology." She looked at Toshiro. "Am I right?"

Toshiro hesitated. "Oh, um, yeah. I needed to say that I understand I failed you, and I'm sorry for that, and I'm especially sorry for your loss today."

Baz let out a humph.

"There, you see. He just wanted—"

"No, wait! I am sorry, but I am not a fraud! And I'm a good person!" He took a deep breath. "The truth is...I haven't been totally honest with you all. I have a confession to make."

Baz crossed his arms, glaring defiantly. The others waited expectantly.

Toshiro met their gazes steadily. "You know why I escaped prison? I had to rescue a young boy with a bounty on him."

The rebel teammates looked at each other with confused faces.

Ren said, "Toshiro, Zo doesn't put bounties on children."

Baz laughed as he shook his head from side to side. "This guy! Will it never end? Fraud!"

"I'm telling you the truth! You took two of my tokens. One is my broken Luna token, and the other is the bounty. If you don't believe me, check the token yourself."

"Lies again! He's stalling for time so he can betray us. I say we turn him over to the bounty hunters."

"I'm telling the truth. Can't you see why I couldn't be honest with you when we first met?" Toshiro waved his hands at the group. "You're all strangers to me! I didn't have any reason to trust you! What's so hard to comprehend?"

Baz turned to Juno. "Are we done with him?"

She pondered.

Nervous that she had to consider it, Toshiro made his last effort to convince them. "Look, I am a rebel of sorts. I'm not a member of the Rebellion, but I've fought against Zo. I faced him head-to-head."

Ren stared at the ground. Jeremy scratched his head and looked away.

Toshiro could see he was losing them. "Do you know who I am?"

Nobody said a word.

"Four years ago, I broke through Zo's defenses and attacked his most precious lake. I jabbed the surface with a spear and lost my arm because of it." Toshiro looked Juno in the eye. "The truth is, I am the one known as Hayato."

There was a beat of stunned disbelief before the team erupted into scornful laughter.

"Likely story," Jeremy sneered. "Hayato was said to have superhuman strength. But I saw it—you can barely lift a blaster rifle."

"Hayato? The legendary warrior?" Baz howled. "Don't make me laugh."

Juno gave Toshiro an incredulous look. "See his missing arm—oh, Hayato, it must be true!"

The derisive jeers continued as Toshiro's gaze darted around helplessly. Finally, he met Ren's eyes, silently pleading for her support.

But Ren averted her eyes, her expression unreadable.

"Ren, you believe me, don't you?"

"I think maybe you should stay away from me, Toshiro."

Baz took a breath. "Yeah, leave poor Ren alone. What? You thought you could impress her by claiming to be Hayato?"

Ren walked away.

Toshiro went to chase after her, but Baz stopped him at gunpoint. "You're not going anywhere, mister Hayato."

Juno tipped Baz's gun toward the ground and said, "We have one choice."

"And it's not shooting him?"

She chuckled. "No. We're taking him to see the elder. He'll tell us what to do with him."

Baz let out a loud sigh.

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