cover art by @MugsieYT on twitter!

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A/N : this is for a birthday guy (I HAD TO WRITE THIS UNDER A DAY BRO AND I JUST MET THIS DUDE 💔💔💔/nm) but if you like dip then enjoy this btw theyre very out of character
also this is south park dip ik the cover is hellpark but still


Everything starts with a quiet day in South Park, Colorado. Our main focus sets on two boys : Damien and Philip, though most tend to call Philip 'Pip' because they hate him, however he accepts it as a nickname as well.

The two are sitting down on the snow in the school playground away from the other groups to avoid getting picked on, It's been a few months since they met and they've gotten quite close since then, even gaining feelings for each other! How cute, right? Today they plan to ask each other out for a date but, of course, they're nervous to ask and has spent all day trying to gain the courage. Though, they finally got the confidence at lunch.

"Uh-" Damien and Philip say at the same time, surprised from the coincidence.

This caused Philip to laugh, "Sorry, you go first!" he said giving Damien a warm smile and ready to listen to what he has to say. Damien was considering if he should ask first or hear what Pip has to say, giving him about a minute to think before reaching a conclusion and shaking his head.

"No, you first, I'm curious!" Damien demands, crossing his legs and leaning back using his arms as support for sitting up, though this caught Philip to be surprised since he usually accepts going first, regardless, he nods. "Hurry up, before I change my mind!" Damien demands once more, getting impatient and seeming to regret his decision already.

"Oh- right right! Well, It's just a silly question, but.." Philip paused for a second, feeling all that courage slowly drain away just from looking at Damien's face, he takes off his hat to cover his face so that way he can't lose confidence. "Would you.. happen to like the idea of us going on a date some time?" He says with hesitation in his voice, preparing for rejection already.. though just the thought of being rejected by him alone seems to have gotten him to be nervous for what he'll say; his chest aching a little and gripping onto his hat that's still covering his face the longer he waits for a response. On the other end, Damien has just been shocked, eyes wide open and trying to figure out if he heard what Philip said correctly.

"Uhm.. yes!" Damien responds with excitement in his voice and smiling like he won a lottery, though realizing he didn't sound much superior like he usually is, he cleared his throat. "I mean- I don't see why not! I accept, but don't disappoint me!" He accepts, though it sounded more like a threat at the last bit but even then, Philip was surprised at this reply and slowly loosens his grip on his hat, placing it back on his head and looking at Damien who seems to be staring down at his hands and fiddling with them most likely because he was shy.

Philip took a bit to process Damien's words, eyes lighting up and grinning "Really? You really accept?" He seemed to sound a little in disbelief, like he wasn't believing his ears.

"Do I need to repeat myself? I said I accept!" Damien replied to his question, still not looking at Philip and actually just looking anywhere but his direction. "Though, when and where would our.. 'date' be?"

"Ooh, good question.." Philip hums in thought, looking around while pondering, "How about Stark's Pond? It'd be quite the picnic spot! I could bring some food and you can bring some of yours for each other to try!"

"Alright, sounds good! We'll meet once after school's over?" Damien asks, finally looking at Philip who nods in response as a yes. "Sweet, I can't wait! Now come on, we shall play a game to pass the time." They decided to play a game of tag, running around until school was back in session.

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