Start from the beginning

"Growl. Ir. Ir. Ir. Grr." Yanna stomped her staff into the floor and turned to exit the hut. The Wookies around the table, including Gungi, followed her. Curiousity encouraged me and the rest of the squad to accompany them. We stood at the entranceway and observed the Wookies kneeling at the mother tree's entangled roots and bowing their heads in prayer with one hand touching its smooth bark.

"What are they doing?" Omega whispered.

"They are asking the trees for help." Hunter explained. Echo and Wrecker exchanged looks of slight confusion.

"They're talking to the trees?" The young girl questioned.

"They believe this planet belongs to the trees." Tech elaborated. "And they are allies in this fight."

"We'll take all the allies we can get." Hunter stated.

"In other words, Half-Pint," I said, kneeling down next to her. When she looked down to meet my eyes, my words briefly choked as I realized I have not really spoken to her since the Vanguard Axis spaceport when I...Clearing my throat, I finished my initial thought. "it's a custom in the Wookie culture. One that is, I assume, as old as their civilization. We may not understand its essence to its fullest potential, but it is a tradition to respect and honor. Especially, as Hunter said, they will help in our fight. They, and we, are not alone."

"How do trees help in a fight?"

I shrugged. "That is what I'm trying to say. We don't know. It's like the Force and the Jedi. I've experienced many miracles because of their connection, and I still don't truly understand the mystics of it all. Perhaps we will witness another one here. All we have do is trust in the Wookies and their ways. And I know you trust them whole-heartedly."

"I do." she smiled.

I hummed in satisfaction and parted my lips to continue, but hesitance drove me to glance up at both Hunter and Echo, who hovered over the sergeant's shoulder. Both men gave me small grins and supportive gestures. My attention resumed back on the young girl. "Hey, Half-Pint, why don't you and I take a walk together."

"Sure. Okay."

"Where are you going?" Tech questioned, curiously.

"Leave them be." Echo stepped in, holding his shoulder, and gave me one more nod.

I silently thanked him and carefully rose to my feet, my bandaged legs wobbled only a little, and the two of us quietly strolled around the mother tree so we wouldn't disturb the Wookies. While we climbed and walked over the roots and rocks embedded in the rich soil, I prepared my thoughts. If I was being honest with myself, I was nervous... What if I say the wrong thing and I upset her again? What if I can't help her understand? Why do I feel so much pressure on my shoulders?

"Fern, do we have a culture?" Omega interrupted my interal debate. "I mean, like with customs and traditions like you described?"

Her inquiry took me by surprise. "I, guess we do." I said. I assisted her in leaping between a gap between the sturdy roots. "Though I would say clone culture is much more complicated than others."


"Well, most civilizations develop their customs and traditions over the course of hundreds, maybe thousands of years. And to be frank, the very existence of clones has been around for only about fifteen years, and our culture completely revolves — well, revolved — around the Clone Wars: the indefinite separation between the Republic and the Separatists, serving under the Jedi...It's what we were bred for and all we ever were allowed to know." I lightly scoffed at my sudden cognizance. "To be honest, Half-Pint, I don't recall ever imagining something beyond my training and service before the war ended. I don't think most clones had ever considered such a reality of establishing a place to call a humble abode, have a bright future, maybe even have families of their own, and develop our culture in a way that's derived from but not dependent on the war..."

"But we're figuring it out now, right?" Omega asked, stepping down off the tree and onto solid ground. There was a natural path leading deeper into the dense forest, but I decided we had travelled far enough. I touched her shoulder and guided her to sit atop an arched root while seated myself across from her on a half-buried boulder. "It's, a working process." I admitted, then sighed. "We've been exiled out of our norm. With all things considered, I think we are adapting and managing at a fairly decent rate. But, Omega,"

I reached out with one of my swathed hands and covered her folded ones on her lap. "if I am speaking candid, we are surviving in a galaxy that does not...agree with us anymore...There are very few we can trust outside of the squad, and kindness amongst strangers is a rarity now. I don't wish to teach you otherwise, for you have the kindest soul of anyone I know. And I know you have the purest intentions when you bravely take action in immoral situations. However, you've been reckless and unaware of the consequences of your actions — beginning on Pantora and Ryloth, to Serreno, the several times you've stood up for Cid, and yesterday...you've put yourself and the rest of us in danger too many times and it must...must stop..."

My grip tightened, and the sores underneath the bandages strained, shooting pain through my arms. I did not recoil, though, as I sent Omega all my emotions and soul through my words and touch.

"I know." Omega hung her head in shame. "I'm sorry, Fern." She then raised her chin with her brows furrowed and her frown deepened. "But if I had not stepped in, Gungi would still be in a lot of trouble. Hera and her family would still be trapped. And Cid, she's our friend. We can't just stand by and let bad things happen to people."

"I understand how you feel, Kid, I do." I said with a force in my tone. "But it's a big galaxy, and it has been overthrown by a very dangerous enemy that we cannot take on. We cannot save everyone. Omega," My body melted off the boulder and onto one knee. I lifted my head to meet her round, shimmering eyes and my hands cupped the young girl's rib cage and held her tightly, shaking her lightly with each word I conveyed, "I just want you to be safe. You and the boys are my priority and I cannot take many risks in fear of losing any of you." A lump began forming in my throat, causing my voice to strain. "I wish I can provide more for you. I wish I can create a world with no worries for you. For all of us. But this,"

I pulled her torso closer as our eye contact intensified. "this is our reality, Omega. And yes, we will continue to occasionally stumble and fall, even without your shenanigans. Do not think you are a burden on us, because you are the opposite — you are the best thing to happen to us. I would never ask you to change who you are, and I promised you I would always look after you and protect you so no harm ever comes to you." A single tear dropped from my eye as emotion swelled in my chest. I exhaled softly, "I would give my life for you, Omega."

Omega dove forward and wrapped her arms around my neck, burying her face in my hair. I did not hesitate to embrace her, smoothing her blonde hair with my right hand and squeezing her back with my whole left arm. "One day, Half-Pint, things will be better for us. I know it. One day, we will all have a place to call home, to create our futures together and be a proper family — building new customs and traditions. And I..."

I gently released and pulled her away so I can look into her beautiful eyes. Cupping her jawline, my thumbs stroked away the silent tears staining her cheeks. I inhaled deeply and smiled. "I can be the mother you deserve."

Omega's face brightened, a wide smile spread across her lips. I brought her head to mine and planted a kiss on her cheek. "I love you, Half-Pint." I kissed her in the same spot again.

"I love you, too, Fern." she breathed through short hiccups. "I will do better. I promise I won't run off or cause trouble anymore. I will follow orders, the rules, and my training."

"Okay, okay, slow down." I chuckled, rubbed the tears from my eyes, then picked us both up on our feet. "You're a good girl — just, you know, hold back on being O-mega pain for now on."

We both shared a stiffling laugh at my clever quip, our cheeks glowed cheerfully. "Come on, let's head back. We have a village to protect and I know you don't want to miss out on the fun."

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