Part 2: chapter 8

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Sebastian's POV

"Mr. Sallow! How wonderful to see you." Ava's father, Laurent clapped as a bucket of water was thrown at me, scaring me awake. The man who threw water on me walked out of the room leaving me alone with Laurent.

I looked around and I was in what looked like a stone jail cell, "Is this a dungeon?" I asked him

He let out a loud laugh, "The English are so funny. But, yes, it is a bit of a dungeon I guess." He kind of glanced around the room. "We are at our family home in Versailles. It is a rather old estate."

"I'm in France?"

"Of course, I hate being in America. My wife is the one who wanted to move there."

He took his wand out making me tense up. He saw how tense I got and waved me off before flicking his wand and chains appeared on my wrists, trapping me to the wall behind me.

"I still don't entirely understand what's going on," I said out loud.

"You are bait. You will stay here and be a good boy while I wait for Ava." He turned and began to walk out of the room.

"Why? Why can't you just leave her alone? You don't even like her, why not just cut her off?"

Laurent stopped at the doorway. He let out a long sigh, "She isn't my daughter."


"She is the unfortunate product of my wife and my late brother." He turned towards me fully, "Don't worry, My wife learned her lesson because she gave birth to the girl. And my brother learned his lesson when I killed him."

"I wasn't worried..."

"I told her to get rid of the baby but she was worried it would be put in a Non–magique orphanage so I had to keep her."

"That sounds so horrible for you," I said in a sarcastic tone.

Laurent was about to agree when he recognized my tone. "You English speakers and your sarcasm still confuses me. But it is very funny."

He turned away again and shut the heavy iron door. It was completely solid except for a small window with bars across it. He peeked in and smiled a smile at me that honestly creeped me out.

"Sleep well Mr. Sallow."

"There's no bed in here..."

"I'm fully aware."


Ava's POV

"Marc..." I stood in the doorway of Potions class. 

He and Sharp looked over their shoulders from the blackboard they seemed to have bickering over. "Ava? What happened?"

"It's father, He took Sebastian."

"He what?" Both of the men asked.

"Ava's dad took Sebastian when they left the school grounds to go on a date," Poppy explained.

"You left school grounds after our father threatened you?"

"We thought we had found a way around it."

Sharp sighed, "I'll have to let the ministry know-"

"No!" Poppy, Ominis, and I all yelled.

"You guys, someone took a student, we have to report it," Marc explained.

"I'll go get him. But I need to know where our parents are right now."

"Ava, you shouldn't get involved, it will be what he wants you to do."

I let out a quiet growl and shook my head, "Where are they right now?"

Marc and Professor Sharp glanced at each other before they both sighed. They knew they couldn't actually stop me.

"Last I talked to our mother they were at the France estate."

"I... I've never been there.." I admitted.

I had been to France but I was always told I couldn't go to the estate. I always just assumed it was because of how much my parents hate me.

"I'll take you, but I have to let the ministry know after." Marc grabbed his coat that was on one of the stations in the class room and began to head out with the three of us trailing after him. "There's a port key to Paris near by and then we'll have to aparate the rest of the way."

"Thank you, Marc." I told him as I struggled to keep up.

"Kick their ass for me."

Overtaken, book 1Where stories live. Discover now